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Y'all might hate me for this part.

𝐊𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐯 (it's Kevin's turn to have Dakota. Slight time jump in here)

Okay so it's the middle of the night and I'm awakened by banging on my door. I check my security cameras on the app on my phone and see David outside.

I get out of bed and check on Dakota first before going downstairs. I opened the door to a jumpy fearful David. He kept playing with his hair and looking behind him. I pulled him inside and checked around too but no one was there.

"What's going on?" I asked

"Don't get mad," David said

Ok now I'm mad.

I watched him roll up his shirt and I saw a very nasty purple and black bruise on his stomach and ribs.

"Take your shirt off. I wanna see if there's more," I said in a demanding tone

David took his shirt off and I saw more bruises on his back.

It's only been a couple weeks since I last seen him.

Did all this happen in those couple of days?

"Kevin I don't know what to do. I'm doing the same thing I did with you. I gave up everything for Ja'Marr. I became his agent and his boyfriend. Now look at me," David said

"Ok I'm talking to you as your husband now-"

"You're not my husband anymore!" David yelled

I went quiet after that.

Technically he's right. We are divorced. No rings or anything.


I will never stop referring to him as my husband though.

"I need to go back home," David said

"No! David look at you! I know this might sound weird coming from me but don't go back. He's just gonna keep hurting you," I said


"David, do you really want another me situation? I've said this a thousand times before and I'll say it a thousand times more until you forgive but I'm sorry for putting you through hell. You didn't deserve my physical and emotional abuse. You may not think this but I really do love you. I love you so much David. I should've done better by you. I should've been your husband instead of a monster to you. When you told me that you wanted a divorce, my world crashed because I knew that I fucked everything up. Because of my anger issues, I lost you and Dakota. Without you, I probably wouldn't be the great lawyer that I am now. And when you gave me Dakota that changed my life. I know it doesn't seem like it but it did. I just want you back David. I want you back in my life forever. I swear I'm gonna be better. I really changed David. Baby please give me a second chance," I said grabbing his hand

Just spilled my heart out to this guy.

It feels disgusting to unleash all this emotion but for David, I'll do anything.

I watched David take a deep breath and look around. He had this unreadable look on his face as he stepped closer to me. He took my hands and next thing I know, we're kissing.

I made sure to watch out for his bruises as I wrapped my arms around him. We were getting to a point of where we should take this to the bedroom but of course the baby monitor goes off.

"I love our son but damn he's a cockblocker," I laughed

"Stop messing with my baby," David said hitting my chest

"I'll go check on him," I said

I walked up to his room and seen Dakota standing up in his crib. He made grabby hands for me and I just laughed.

"You just woke up so I can pick up?" I asked laughing

"Dada," Dakota said yawning

I picked him up and he was quiet as I bounced him around. I stroked his hair back making him grab my finger as a way to stop.

"Just like your dad," I said


Dakota was now sleeping in my arms, I laid him down in his crib. I walked down to the front door and David was coming out the bathroom.

"Who is it?" David asked

"Let me open the door first D," I laughed

I opened the door to Ja'Marr. My blood boiled and I was ready to kick the shit out of him. David was behind me pulling on my shirt

"Why are you here?" I asked

"I just wanna talk to David. We got into a little fight-"

"Nigga you damn near bruised up his whole body. I'm not letting you get anywhere near him," I said

"Well he's my husband," Ja'Marr said


Thoughts 💭

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