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David POV

Yeah I did a stupid thing.

Ja'Marr proposed to me and it was so sweet and cute. I accepted his proposal and then two days later we're at a courthouse. I said "I do" and so did he. I think I was going off of what my heart said and not what was really going on.

We've been married for a week but he's showing his true colors. I should've known that he wasn't gonna be the nice guy all along.

"Come on David. Go get Dakota and let's go," Ja'Marr said

What have I got myself into????

"Nah David not going nowhere. And you not taking my son either," Kevin said

"Now you wanna be the hero? You weren't like this when y'all were married. Now all of a sudden you wanna be his hero. Kevin you are something else," Ja'Marr said

I managed to sneak away while they were arguing. I went up to where Dakota was sleeping and stayed in there. I needed some peace and quiet while I think about the dumb decisions I made in my life.

Dakota woke up which was good for some reason. I picked up my sleepy baby and laid him on my chest. It was quiet. Just me and Dakota in his room.

"Daddy made a big mistake," I said in his ear

Dakota made some baby noise but then he went back to sleep. I decided to put him back in his crib. I walked back out and seen Ja'Marr walking out to his car.

"Kevin what's going on?" I asked

"I won. I threatened to have him locked up for assault and then he just left. He left a lil too quickly though so I gotta watch him," Kevin said

He stood at the door watching Ja'Marr drive away. Kevin closed the door and then set the alarm. It was quiet between us.

That awkward silence.

Kevin looked like he wanted to say something but he couldn't.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked

"What? No I'm not mad. I know how that guy works. He's gonna charm you and then hurt you. It's okay David. I'm not mad or anything. I'm going to help you get away from him," Kevin said

"Well you have changed I see. Cause back then the Kevin I know would've been fighting for Ja'Marr," I said laughing a little

"Someone changed my perspective," Kevin said walking closer to me

I let him carry me to his room and he laid me on the bed. We both laid there facing each other. I was staring into the guy that I never loving eyes. This was how we were when we first started dating. It was just the two of us. Kevin was so sweet and loving to me. I don't know what changed.

It was like a 180 with him. We were all happy and peaceful and then it turned into disaster. I became afraid of him so quickly. Throughout our marriage I was walking on eggshells.

I made sure things were perfect but his perfect is something completely different.

Then after the divorce, I found my peace. My happiness all along has been Dakota but I found happiness with just being single and by myself. I should've stayed like that. And not let a manipulative person like Ja'Marr ruin my life. I don't want Dakota to grow up thinking that it's okay to stay in an abusive relationship.

"Omg I'm a bad parent!" I said out loud

"You're not a bad parent. David don't even start that shit. If anyone is the bad parent it's me," Kevin said

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