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𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐃𝐱𝐊𝐚𝐲 era 😎

The first part is David's memory

Few weeks after last chapter

David POV

I sat here in the new house thinking about my life lately

It's been two months since I said "I do" to Kevin. We're in the new house together, well Kevin bought the house. Things are fine but Kevin's become a little controlling lately. Maybe it's his job. Yeah, it's his job.

Kevin has always been a perfectionist, especially with his demanding career as a defense lawyer. His job requires long hours, constant attention to detail, and a level of stress that I can only imagine. I get it, I really do. But lately, it feels like that stress is bleeding into our personal life.

It started with small things. He'd ask me to double-check if the doors were locked before we went to bed, or he'd remind me to turn off the lights in rooms we weren't using. I didn't think much of it at first, just Kevin being Kevin. But then, he began to micromanage other aspects of our lives.

The groceries needed to be arranged in a specific way, our schedules meticulously planned out weeks in advance, and he insisted on approving any social plans before I committed. If I deviated even slightly, he would get noticeably irritated. I tried to brush it off, thinking it was just a phase or a temporary response to his work pressure.

However, it's starting to wear on me. The freedom I once felt in our relationship seems to be slipping away. I'm constantly walking on eggshells, trying to anticipate his needs and avoid triggering his frustration. It's exhausting, and it's making me question if this is what married life is supposed to be like.

I've tried talking to him about it, gently bringing up my concerns during quiet moments, but he always has a way of deflecting. "It's just work stressing me out, babe," he'd say, pulling me into a hug. "Once this case is over, things will get better." And I want to believe him. I really do.

But what if they don't get better? What if this is our new normal? The thought terrifies me. I love Kevin, and I want our marriage to work. I want to support him through his tough times but at what cost? I don't want to lose myself in the process.

Yesterday, he snapped at me for not having dinner ready when he got home. It wasn't a big deal to me—I had a busy day, too—but his reaction was over the top. He apologized later, blaming it on another bad day at work, but it left me thinking.

I find myself reminiscing about the early days of our relationship, when everything felt easy and light. We were equals then, partners in every sense of the word. I miss that balance. I miss feeling like I had a voice.

Tonight, as I lay in bed beside him, listening to the steady rhythm of his breathing, I can't help but wonder how we got here. I need to find a way to address this without pushing him further away. I need to figure out how to bring back the partnership we once had, where both of us felt heard and valued.

Maybe it's time to suggest counseling, a neutral space where we can both express our concerns and work on our communication. It's a scary step, but for the sake of our marriage and my own peace of mind, it might be necessary. I just hope Kevin will be open to it.

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