Chapter 12: The plan pt.1

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Courtneys pov:

I started to dress up. I cant believe I was actually doing this.


Now, before anyone jumps to conclusions, its only for the plan. Whats the plan?

Faking it till we make it.

Making it being the ten grand we're getting from this interview. What does lunch have to do with this?

Being professional, duh. I mean, this is a lot of money, and since me and him dont have anything going on at the moment...

why not make it seem like it? I mean they already took the photo.

I have it all written down and in a folder. I decide this time ill drive myself to the cafe. Mostly because I don't want my mom finding out about the interview or the lunch. She will most definitely not leave me alone about him.

My outfit consists of a plain brown t-shirt, baggy jeans, a gold necklace, earrings, and bangles. I tie my hair in a ponytail,leaving two strands hanging in the front. And ofcourse, my brown dunks.

I spray on some of my new YARA perfume, which smells amazing and has a rich scent, grab my purse, curl my lashes and put on some lipgloss. Looking at myself in the mirror, my confidence boosts up.

You're so pretty.


I smile at myself and blow a kiss, then, i'm out the door.

"Mother! I'm stepping out for a bit."

No response.


I hear the footsteps of Simone creeping down the stairs.

"She's not here dumbass."

I flipped him off.

"Ok, well when she returns, can you tell her i'm stepping out?"

"To where."

I roll my eyes at him, always nosey.

"Cafe. I have some work I need to do."

"Work? Damn you really are a nerd."

I flip him off once again and exit the house. God hes so annoying.

Shoot. I forgot my keys.

Starting to walk back into the house, my phone rings.

Incoming voice call from Duncan: Instagram

My heart skips a beat as I pick up and enter back into the house to grab my keys from the kitchen counter.

"Hey Courtney. Where are you? Not rush you or anything, just making sure you didn't forget."

I chuckled as I picked up the keys from the counter as I left the house once again and unlocked my car.

"Of Course i wouldn't have forgotten. When have I ever forgotten a plan?"

"Never. But hopefully you don't disappoint me today."

I smirked at his remark,

Silence filled up as I entered the car and pressed the ignition.

"Do you want me to get you anything?"

"Oh Duncan, I'm not letting you get me something with your own money."

"Well you don't have to, ill do it myself."
"You don't even know what i want so..."
He chuckled and said

Oh trust me. I know.

His voice. Oh his voice.

"Oh really? What's my order then?"

Another chuckle escaped his mouth,

"You'll see."

He then hung up as shock arose on my face.


Duncans pov:

I laughed as I hung up the phone, knowing how Courtney is, I would be getting a scolding as soon as she arrived for hanging with no explanation.

Oh how I love that courtney.

I wasn't on board with the idea of fake dating just for a ten grand but I have to think about my future. And how I can clean up the mess I started. Plus, we could just make allegations we decided to break up and be friends after. But that was for Courtney to decide. With an argument going along, I brainstormed my responses to the possible arguments she would bring up according to that.

*yall im so sorry for the lack of posting. I end schools in 4 days so expect more stuff, also with the fact ive been dealing with alot of stuff*

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