Got Me Started

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And that's when our eyes meet.


Got me Started - by Troye Sivan
He's got the personality
Not even gravity could ever hold him down
He's got the sexuality of a man
Who can take a room and drown it out, yeah


Troyes pov:
My eyes linked with those of the handsome guy, which was raising his hand lazily, his brown hair falling over his forehead. His tired looking eyes, which were looking like he stole them from a Teddy Bear were looking right into mine.

For a moment, everything else faded, and it was just the two of us, locked in a silent exchange. I could feel my heart skip a beat, a blush creeping up my cheeks as I made my way to the empty seat beside him.


Jerrets pov:
Oh god, it was only the first day of school and I already wanted it to be summer holidays again. As I stepped into my class, I greeted my friends and sat down at the place I usually sit at.

Nothing unusual except those girls standing there like ordered but not picked up. They are probably new I thought, while I rested my head on my hand and looked out of the window.

The weather was still warm and even tho it was only shortly before 8 a.m the sun was already blinding my poor eyes.

Suddenly the door opened and I could feel everyone looking at the direction of the door. So I turned my head to look at it as well. A small, sweet looking blond haired boy entered the classroom. He must be new as well, I thought while all my attention went to the window again.

The teacher greeted everyone and started to introduce the girls. As I heard a soft and warm voice starting to introduce themselves, my eyes shifted to the owner of the voice. He seemed to find the ground pretty interesting, I thought, while smiling to myself. His short hair was covering his eyes, while his hands were playing with the sleeves of his oversized hoodie.


Troye is his name... Interesting.

As he finished introducing himself, the teacher announced their seats. The two girls were seated right behind me. My ears sharpened, as the teacher was about to announce Troyes seat. My eyes wandered around the classroom, as I searched for the possible seats Troye could be seated at. The only two free seats available were next to Markus and me.

Markus is disgusting, he didn't deserve to have such a cutie sitting next to him. I came back to reality as I realized that the teacher called my name and told me to raise my hand. So I did.

And our eyes meet for the first time.

I could get lost in them.

Inching closer to sunrise
Now we're standing eye to eye
I wanna tell you what's on my, on my mind (let's go)

His eyes were so beautiful. They looked like the sky on a warm summer day. When the flowers are blooming beautifully and children are playing on the green grass. My heart was pounding like crazy. But why?

After a few seconds we both came back to reality, as he made his way up to me and sat down next to me. Thanks god nobody noticed that I just got lost in those boys eyes for a few seconds and that my heart wanted to jump into his arms.

As he sat down next to me and the teacher stared to complain about the mistakes we made last year, I turned my head to the side and looked at him. Even his side profile looks sweet.

He has a small nose where light freckles were resting on. His red colored cheeks matched his small lips, they looked so


When he wrinkled his nose, I straightened my posture and began to speak. "Troye right? My name is Jerret. Nice to meet you!" I introduced myself with the best smile I could give him.

Slightly taken aback from my sudden try to start a conversation, he turned his face to look at me, while his cheeks turned even redder. Oh god he looks like an angel..

"Nice to meet you too, Jerret..." He spoke barley over a whisper, while giving me the sweetest smile I have ever seen. "Hey Troye," I spoke up again as I was leaning slightly closer to him.

You just got me started
And I don't think I can stop it
And I don't wanna go home alone, alright?
Oh, baby, baby

"So, what do you think of the school so far? It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it" Troye shifted in his seat, his cheeks still tinted pink from our earlier interactions.

"Um, it's alright, I guess" he replied softly, fiddling with the edge of his notebook.

"I'm still trying to find my way around, through" I nodded understanding. "Yeah, it can be tricky at first. But hey, if you ever need help finding your classes or anything, let me know. I've been here for a while, So I know my way around pretty well." I said while winking at him. A beautiful smile appeared on his oh so sweet face.

"Thanks, Jerret. I appreciate it a lot." He said while glancing down at the ground, seeming a bit shy. "You seem to find the ground pretty interesting." I said while laughing slightly. "Um what?" Troye ask dumbfounded.

We've got that hot chemistry
Yeah, you and me won't make it out this house
We should experiment even to the detriment of whoever's on the couch (oh, yeah)

"Ah nothing..." I answered smiling to myself. "I can introduce you to my friends later, if you want to." I said. He slowly raised his head again and looked me in the eyes as a even brighter smile appeared on his face.

"I would love that. Thank you!" he answered excitedly. "No problem at all. We've to stick together, right?" I said, trying to sound as casual as possible despite the flutter of excitement in my chest.

Boy, can I be honest?
Boy, can I be honest? Yeah

Our conversation continued, comfortably as we exchanged some stories about our life and talked about our interests. We have a lot in common. He even plays the game, that me and my friends play all the time. Maybe I can get closer to him in that way.

As we continued to talk, I found myself drawn deeper into Troye.
I was eager to learn more about this sweet boy, of which I couldn't keep my eyes off.

You just got me started
And I don't think I can stop it


Troye's pov:
The bell rang and everybody stood up to pack their stuff away. Sadly, the first day was pretty short, and I couldn't continue talking with Jerret.

Accepting my fate, I stood up as well and started to put my books away. As something hold me back. I turned around as I saw Jerret holding onto my wrist. "Wait!" he said, his eyes intense and serious.

"We got something to give to each other"


Sorry for the long wait cuties we were so busy w school but there is
A LOT u can look forward to!
See u next Wednesday (hopefully)
Luv yah!!

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