The Beginning of Chaos

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Flittle: Hello everyone!

Flittle: Wait, no one is here...

Flittle: *snaps fingers and pokégirls drop from the sky*

Pokégirls: *land on their faces*

Misty: OWWWWW!!!

Chloe: Where are we?

Flittle: Welcome to my truth or dare!

Flittle: I was going to invite all of the characters... but I want to be original for once

Dot: I really don't want to be here, I have videos to make...

Liko: DOT!!! 😊

Dot: LIKO?! 😳

Dawn: It looks like we have a new ship already!

May: Bonnie, add it to the list!

Bonnie: On it! *Scribbles down Guruminshipping*

Flittle: A lot like other truth or dares, Bonnie still has a ship list here!

Serena: Can the ship list change at any point? I really want Ash...

Flittle: Yes, it can, but that is up to the readers

Lana: Readers?

Flittle: Yeah, there is probably a bunch of people reading this right now...

Chloe: ...

Dawn: ...

Moonlightblossomshipping: *kisses*

Flittle: Save that for the dares!!! *gets a spray bottle*

Moonlightblossomshipping: *hisses like cats and then they scuttle away*

Flittle: Another thing that I wanted to add is that I can summon other pokégirls and even the boys, too!

Flittle: But I would mostly like it to be dares for the girls currently here!

Serena: You mean I can see Ash?

Flittle: If the readers want you to, you can even meet Ashley, too!

Serena: Who is Ashley?

Flittle: Cross dressing Ash

Flittle: *summons Ashley*

Ashley: H-hello...

Serena: 😳

Bonnie: Almostamourshipping?

Flittle: Nope! *sends Ashley back to the distortion world with the others*

Serena: Nooooooo!!! 😭

Flittle: I can add co-hosts, too, like in other Pokémon truth or dares and... that's it!

Mallow: Is it really that simple?

Flittle: Pretty much!

Flittle: Also-

Bonnie: NO SMUT!!!

Flittle: You took the words right out of my mouth

Flittle: I can't wait to see the truths and dares in the comment section, anyway, byyeeeee!!!

All of the pokégirls: Byyeeeee!!!

(This is going to end up being a fusion of @gamerlillian13's pokégirl book that they only just started the same day I made this, and yes I got permission from them, and Pokémon Truth or Dare books such as one by @Ohmyderpy's Anyway, see you in the comments with your truths and dares, byyeeeee!)

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