Don't Mess With A Satogou Shipper...

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Flittle: Hello everyone!

Flittle: Who's going first?

gamerlillian13: Aren't you going to do an intro?

Flittle: Nah I can't be bothered

bezope1: Me first?

Flittle: What now?!

bezope1: If nothing is canon in this book then why is Satogou canon?

Flittle: Any ship I ship is because Bonnie's ship list is canon although if you request for a ship to be canon that will only be temporary

bezope1: Now then, I'm very sorry Switchy but stay the hell away from Serena!!!

Switchy: *Hisses in multishipper*

bezope1: Goh is eaten by Giratina

Flittle: Goh related truths and dares are currently unavailable as he is still in the Hazbin Hotel universe

bezope1: Dang it!

Flittle: Before we continue, I just want to quickly expose you on this:

Flittle: If you continue to use language like this you will be banned from making requests

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Flittle: If you continue to use language like this you will be banned from making requests

bezope1: Anyway, Serena's lovers get sent to the Hazbin Hotel universe

Flittle: Yeahhhhh no

bezope1: WHAT?!

Flittle: I do have the right to refuse requests and I especially have that right after what you said

bezope: Ash-

Flittle: MOVING ON!

Flittle: Who is next?

Itx-loz-reads: Serena is good for ten or more chapters

Flittle: I'm sorry but I'm incapable of doing that, could we just do two instead?

Itx-loz-reads: Yeah sure!

Flittle: *Makes Serena good* That means Amourshipping dares are temporarily banned since Amour brings out the worst side of Serena

bezope1: 😭

Serena: Yay! *kisses Lisia, May and Switchy*

Lisia, May and Switchy: 💭I'm so glad Flittle didn't send us to the Hazbin Hotel universe* ☺️

Itx-loz-reads: Now everyone has to draw someone else in the room

Flittle: *Draws Serena*

Flittle: *Draws Serena*

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Serena: Thank you!

Flittle: No problem!

Itx-loz-reads: I told you to draw her badly

Serena: Wait what? 😟

Flittle Fine 😒

Flittle: 👱🏻‍♀️

Serena: 😭

Doritogod33: I dare everyone to sing I Want It That Way

Flittle: I hate that song but fine

Everyone: *Sings I Want It That Way*

Nemona: *Suddenly drops from the sky*

Flittle: Hello, what are you doing here?

Doritogod33: Nemona, I know a very strong trainer who wants a battle *Points up at Mt. Silver*

Nemona: On it!

Nemona: *Battles Red*

Red: *Wins*

Flittle: Well that was- *doorbell rings*

Co-hosts: New co-host?

Flittle: Yeah I guess so!

Flittle: *Opens the door and takes the box from Dragonite*

Flittle: *Opens box*

Flittle: Everyone, meet Kru537719

Kru537719: Hello!

Everyone: Hi

Flittle: So what dares do you have for us?

Kru537719: I have two lesbian eeveelutions with me

Leafeon: My name is Camilla!

Sylveon: And my name is star!

Flittle: Forestnymphshipping? Nice!

Kru537719: Bonnie has to come up with a name for them!

Flittle: Too late, I'm just going by the official ship name for Sylveon and Leafeon

Kru537719: Anyways, I like Amourshipping and Pearlshipping!

Flittle: I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with that knowledge but sure

Troy: *Recruits Kru537719 as the new member of the Amourshipping trio*

Satogou trio: 😒😒😒

Kru537719: Change the book title to Pokégirl and Pokéboy Truth or Dare

Flittle: Sorry but no thanks, I'm trying to make this unique from other Pokémon Truth or Dares and I might as well call this book that instead, I never said I needed suggestions on the book title and it would then exclude non binary and people of other genders

Kru537719: But there aren't any non binary-

Flittle: I have headcanons okay?!

Flittle: Also me and a few other co-hosts don't identify as male or female so yeahhhh no

Kru537719: Alright then, make Fourthwheelshipping canon

Flittle: I feel extremely uncomfortable shipping characters undet the age of 10

Bonnie: Besides, as much as I love shipping my friends, that doesn't necessarily mean I want to be shipped myself

Kru537719: Nevermind, Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus kiss

Flittle: You do know I don't watch Sailor Moon right and this book is for Pokémon characters right?

Kru537719: Yes

Flittle: Okay, but only because I started shipping them after finding really cute fanart of them

Flittle: *Snaps fingers and Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus drop from the sky*

Reinako: *Kiss*

Flittle: Anyway, thanks for reading, please send some truths and dares in the comment to keep this going, make sure you have eaten today, make sure you have drank today

Flittle: And most importantly, stay safe!

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