New Friends, New Enemies...

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Flittle: Hello everyone...

Flittle: School is tough so I'm doing this a day early just so I can get something out today

Flittle: Also, I would like to address a situation that happened recently

Flittle: In Troy's Truth or Dare, a new chapter was made that included me spreading love for Satogou

Flittle: He felt it was in character for me, but I ended up getting backlash for it...

Flittle: bezope1 made me make a deal that if I didn't make any Satogou dares for that book, he wouldn't make any Amourshipping dares here

Flittle: He saw the chapter and thought I was breaking our deal, so he started getting angry at me even though as you can tell here, nothing was mentioned about Satogou in my dare

Flittle: He saw the chapter and thought I was breaking our deal, so he started getting angry at me even though as you can tell here, nothing was mentioned about Satogou in my dare

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Flittle: Also Switchy made this comment

Flittle: Switchy has already apologised so now I'm just waiting for an apology from bezope1

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Flittle: Switchy has already apologised so now I'm just waiting for an apology from bezope1

Flittle: As punishment, Switchy would have been back together with Serena in this chapter but instead I'm extending the time without her for another three chapters

Flittle: And for bezope1, his dares for this chapter won't be made, I mean they were way too personal anyway since he was doing it out of spite, but yeah

T. Boy: Could I start?

Flittle: Yeah sure

T. Boy: Is anyone going to stop Liko becoming a cat girl?!

Dot: Nah, I'm into that 😏

Liko: 😊

T. Boy: Dot, do you have any Nidothing merch?

Dot: Yes I do! *Hands over a Nidothing hoodie and plushie*

T. Boy: Could I collaborate with you some time?

Dot: Yeah sure!

T. Boy: May, why hasn't your Skitty evolved into a Delcatty yet?

May: Idk

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