Some Sort Of Unexplained Rivalry Between Switchy and Kru537719?

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Flittle: Hello everyone!

Flittle: I had a bad day at school so I'm updating this today rather than on Wednesday since this is the easiest thing to write

Lillie: So many things that could break the fourth wall-

Fourth wall: *Breaks*

Lillie: HOW?!

Flittle: You're not allowed to directly mention that it exists

Lillie: 😒

Flittle: It's fine, bezope1 offered to pay for it

Lillie: Really?

Flittle: Yeah, he asked me if I could do one of his dares from last week that I skipped, so I chose this one

Switchy: You forced Lillie to break that

Flittle: Shush transphobe!

Mizuki_Celeste: WHAT?!

Flittle: We'll discuss that later...

Flittle: Anyway, who wants to go first?

Kru537719: Me!

Flittle: Okay go for it!

Kru537719: Everyone read my Pokémon Truth or Dare books

Everyone: *Reads Kru537719's Pokémon Truth or Dare books*

Kru537719: Forestnymphshipping? I love it!

Flittle: I'm glad you do, but thank whoever decided to make that as the ship name for Leafeon and Sylveon

Kru537719: Their names are Camilla and Star

Flittle: I know, I'm talking about the overall species of pokémon

Kru537719: Do you ship Tom and Jerry?

Flittle: I haven't really watched the series in a years so I don't know

Kru537719: Everyone watch The Effects Of Smile Dip

Everyone: *Watches The Effects Of Smile Dip*

Kru537719: Have you seen the other Candace videos?

Flittle: I can't even find the video you're talking about so no

bezope1: Bonnie and Max will age up to 14 for two so Fourthwheelshipping can happen


bezope1: Haha lol

Flittle: Fine, but they're staying locked in the Seven Minutes in Heaven room the whole time

bezope1: But-

Flittle: And no one can dare them to get out

Flittle: *Snaps fingers and Max drops from the sky*

Flittle: *Ages Bonnie and Max up to fourteen*

Fourthwheelshipping: *Becomes canon but is then yeeted into the Seven Minutes in Heaven via Flittle*

Flittle: Who is-

T. Boy: Hello Kiera!

Kru537719: Hi T. Boy!

T. Boy: How are you?

Kru537719: I'm good! 😁

May: *Whispers to Flittle* Ship?

Flittle: *Whispers to May* I honestly have no idea


Flittle: Why?

Switchy: Vengeance and revenge

Flittle: What did she do to you?

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