Sakura's part 1

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**SAKURA**sakura with a smile playing on her lips, she made her way through the familiar pathways, approached Ino's flower shop, Sakura's excitement grew, knowing that tonight would be a chance to unwind, the chill has disappeared bringing spring in full swing, stepping into Ino's flower shop beautiful colors in the form of blooming flowers, sweet scents filled the store, sakura unable to take her eyes off a little bushel of black flowers, "what are these ino" ino spins around hand on her chin "oh these, these are for you" sakura a bit taken back "what really, they are so pretty" ino with a soft grin while watching her friend gaze into the dark petals "yeah it a black velvet petunia, took me forever to get them this dark, I hope you know that" ino says in a mocking yet friendly manner. sakura quickly runs the beautiful plant home placing it on her bedroom window and makes her way back to Ino's so they can get ready

hinata and ten ten then also show up, together, the girls dressed up stunting in their outfits that match each of them, they made their way to their favorite bar, a busy place tucked away in a corner of the village. The atmosphere was lively, the air filled with the sound of new peace era music, clinking glasses and cheerful chatter. they spend the evening, sharing stories and laughter, As the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, ino found herself in increasingly high spirits screaming songs at the top of her lungs, Hinata, usually reserved, had become bright red-faced from the alcohol singing along with the other girls, Ten ten's laughter grew louder as the girls heard her at the bar talking to the quite hansom bartender,

Just as the evening reached its peak the door swung open, and in walked Sai and Naruto, their expressions a mix of amusement and concern as they watched the scene before them, Naruto his eyes widening at the sight of a flushed Hinata, hurried over to her side. "Hinata-chan, are you alright?"

Hinata, her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red, nodded sheepishly, As Sai and Naruto took their seats, they couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before them. Despite their inebriated state, their friends seemed to be having the time of their lives, "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us," Naruto remarked with a grin, nudging Sai playfully as they joined in the conversation.

well into the night the friends very much drunk at this point, Naruto leaned against the bar, as he and sakura buy the next rounds a playful grin on his face sprung up, filled with excitement at the thought of sharing some unexpected news with Sakura. "Hey, Sakura-chan" his words slightly slurred from the alcohol "guess what... burps" Sakura, already a bit tipsy herself, turns to Naruto "eww what is it " a little laugh left her mouth, Naruto trying to keep his eyes open "we got a message from Sasuke a couple days ago" Sakura perked up at the mention of Sasuke's name "yeah what did it say ....." sakura face flashes with excitement, Naruto now carrying the drinks "well he said he was in the hidden sand village and was on his way to Konoha" Sakura's eyes widened in surprise at the news, her heart skipping a beat at the thought of Sasuke being so close "its been nearly a year now hasn't it" Naruto grin widening as he watched Sakura's reaction

they returned to the table finishing their drinks everyone overly drunk sai looks over spotting Ino, who was now attempting to dance on a nearby table, Sai couldn't help but chuckle. "Looks like someone's having a good time," he remarked with a grin. "but i better get her home" sai sweeps ino up off the table before she hurts herself "ill get her home Naruto please make sure the others get home safely" sai swings around with ino in his arms with her screaming "IIII LOVE YOU GUYS..... IMMA SEE WHAT THIS CUTIE CAN DO" the whole bar now flushed red after hearing Ino's intentions

ten ten still flirting with the bartender says she's gonna stay a little longer and wait for him to get off as she laughs with a bright red face, sitting across from sakura looks like hinata has fallen asleep, Naruto stands up while wobbling all over the place he picks hinata up "okay sakura ill walk you home too, then drop hinata off" sakura stumbling around "nah I'm fine I can get home by myself I know these streets like the back of my hand" flexes her muscles "check these guns out, plus I think someone's been waiting for you all night" sakura points at hinata eyes slightly open staring at Naruto, Naruto flashes red "alright ill trust you but just know if something happens to you" Naruto leans into sakura while holding hinata "Sasuke will kill me" he laughs as he walks out the bar, knowing something sakura has no idea about

sakura walking home "that idiot what in the world was he talking about, great now I cant stop over thinking" As Sakura stumbled through the dimly lit streets, her mind clouded by the effects of alcohol, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides. suddenly, from the darkness of a nearby alleyway, several shadowy figures emerged, their intentions clear from the menacing glint in their eyes. Panic surged through Sakura, they were a group sitting at another table at the bar, they were here from another village here for trade, "Whaaaaaaaaa"

One of them attempted to grab her arm In her drunken state, Sakura attempted to fight them off, her movements clumsy her attempts were futile, she couldn't control her chakra and her strength diminished because of the alcohol. sakura thinking to herself "there's no way a great night ends like this" tears while still throwing punches yet missing "I'm a idiot even after that display and flexing I'm still just a idiot" Before she could get her footing, being so drunk she felt a darkness enveloped her as she lost consciousness.

the next day when Sakura regained awareness, she found herself lying in her own bed, the soft glow of lamplight casting a warm hue across the room. As she blinked away the sleep in her eyes, her head pounding from the drinks and events of last night,

not still fulling aware, she was startled to find Sasuke seated on the edge of the bed, and Naruto standing in the doorway Sasuke's expression a mixture of concern and barely concealed frustration. "what in the world were you thinking" he grumped, sakura now sitting up against the headboard, the way naruto's standing there seems like Sasuke dragged him here early this morning he stood nearby in the doorway head hung in shame, his features etched with worry as he recounted the events of the fun night to Sasuke explaining that he though I'd be fine, Sasuke annoyed as he listened to Naruto's account, his jaw clenched in frustration. Without a word, he rose from the bed and swiftly exited the room, pushing Naruto in slamming the door.

Naruto and sakura left alone in the room Naruto exclaims "sakura I'm sorry" tears streaming down his face "I shouldn't have let you walk home alone......" tense silence that followed sakura deeply embarrassment and sadden that she's made her friends and Sasuke worry for her once again "Naruto please don't feel like that, I thought after all this time I was stronger" she cries loudly, and jumps up to hug her dear friend as he cries also both of them a mess on the floor, (still a little drunk from the night before), while they both comfort each other Sasuke outside the room leaned against the door flash with intense anger, "idiots"

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