sasukes part 2

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Sasuke's heart raced as he stood there staring at this little plant that sits there, Sasuke turns to therustling sound of Sakura moving in bed. Approaching her, he decides to lie down beside her, atop the sheets, studying the features of her face. "You're still as stunning as you were in our youth, "he whispers to himself. With a sigh, he turns to face the window, thinking about all the time that has passed. Does Sakura even know he's here? Would she even care? he thinks to himself,

Suddenly, Sakura, in her sleep, wraps her arm around him, pulling him close. Shocked and feeling a flush of heat in his face and body, Sasuke realizes the intensity of his emotions. Disgusted by his lack of restraint, and the way his body is reacting to just that small bit of physical touch,

he quickly rolls over, finding himself on top of the sleeping Sakura. Mentally kicking himself, he watches her sleeping peacefully , realizing she's completely out of it. Jumping up from the bed, panic floods his mind as he thinks about what might've happened to her. "What if I had been just a second later?"

Sasuke notices the sun slowly coming up, he leaves the room, grabbing the house key he had discovered in her pocket earlier before leaving her house. He double-checks that he locked the front door securely before heading down the road, Glancing up, he catches sight of the soft glow emanating from her lamp through the curtains. that little plant with its delicate black petals catches his eye, Rubbing his forehead in frustration, he quickens his pace, hurrying to Naruto's place. Reaching the door, it swings open on its own, prompting Sasuke's inner criticism for its being unlocked. "idiot" Noticing Naruto's absence, his mind drifts back to the events of the night. "Ah, Hinata's," he recalls.

Sneaking into the Hyuga household, Sasuke discovers a sleeping Hinata and a barely dressed Naruto sprawled across the bed, Feeling embarrassed at the sight, he lightly knocks on the door, not wanting to disturb Hinata just Naruto. "This idiot could've slept through the war if we let him," Sasuke mutters to himself. As a last resort, he begins tossing random objects at Naruto's head in an attempt to wake him up. Naruto, still groggy, sits up in confusion. "What the hell, who's throwing stuff at me?" he grumbles.

Sasuke, standing by the door, gestures toward Naruto's discarded clothes on the floor, signaling for him to dress. Turning his head away to give Naruto privacy, he waves him over. Naruto, surprised to see Sasuke at this hour, swiftly gets dressed and rushes over. As Naruto approaches, Sasuke grabs him by the collar, dragging him out the house and down the street.Sasuke releases his grip and proceeds to explain what happened when he found sakura earlier that night, expressing his worry and He asks Naruto if he noticed anyone suspicious near the girls at any point during the evening. that seemed shady, Naruto, now visibly stressed, yells, "Of course not! No one would be stupid enough." Naruto already realized what Sasuke is implying, he mutters, "You think it's a drug?"

Sasuke confirms, "During my travels, I've encountered it. This drug is undetectable, odorless, tasteless, and once dissolved, it's invisible. It dulls one's senses." Glancing at Naruto, he adds, "There's no way Sakura would have fallen victim to those scum, even if she was drunk."Naruto, trembling with anger, joins Sasuke as they continue walking. He asks, "Where are we going?" Sasuke's response is concise: "The prison."

entering the prison Sasuke points out the men he took down earlier, Naruto, taken aback, exclaims, "Yeah, these men are currently here as medical ninja to trade medicine to the hospital, Sasuke, now visibly enraged, strikes the cell door with force, his voice barely above a whisper as he utters, "Scum." the men in the cell cower in fear under his intense gaze., Sasuke questions them directly, his tone sharp, "Was it a drug?" The men, trembling in fear, squeak out a hesitant "Yes." Another chimes in, "Someone gave it to us." Ignoring the latter's remark, Sasuke demanding, "Why her?" Still quivering, the men blurt out, "Well, she looked lonely. All the other girls had someone, so we just thought..." Sasuke's anger reaches a boiling point as he bellows, "You thought what?!"

Naruto pulls Sasuke over, explaining to him that anymore questions wont help the situation and that he'll just hurt himself hearing the answers, Naruto worried for Sasuke "your finally back you shouldn't be the one dealing with this" Sasuke's face displaying no emotion "yeah your right, you should've made sure she got home safe" Naruto already with regret swirling inside him over the situation lowers his head and mutters "your right I should've ", Sasuke realizing his words were too heavy to put on his friend, grabs Naruto "come",

As Sasuke and Naruto make their way to Sakura's house, they pass by her window once more. Sasuke, from the corner of his eye, catches sight of that little plant again. Upon entering, Sasuke leads Naruto to Sakura's bedroom. Taking a seat on the corner of the bed, Sasuke confides in Naruto, he says "Naruto your closer to her, you have to be the one to comfort her"thinking he doesn't have the right, after all he's caused her more pain then those men, He watches her toss and turn as she begins to awaken, the effects of the drug wearing off. Her beautiful pink hair tangled tugs at his heartstrings, while her captivating emerald eyes send a shiver down his spine. Unable to contain his emotions, he blurts out, "What in the world were you thinking?"

Naruto begins his recount once more, but Sasuke, unable to bear hearing it again, abruptly exits the room, pushing Naruto inside and leaning against the door. He listens to their conversation from outside, feeling a tightness in his chest as they cry together. He wishes he could offer Sakura the same comfort, but he knows he lacks the emotional bond they share.Sasuke admits, "I don't have the bond they have. I could never share tears with her like this." His eyes well up with unshed tears, but he quickly stops himself, walking away and sitting on her couch. Leaning his head back with closed eyes, his mind drifts back to that morning when he lay next to her, feeling the heat rising within him once again. He snaps out it as Sakura and Naruto leave the room, Sakura leading Naruto to the door. Sasuke watches her, filled with a desire to ask her countless questions.

still watching her as she makes her way to the kitchen, he hears her ask if he would like a coffee, but the emotions filling his throat he doesn't think he'll be able to hold anything down dealing with the thoughts running around in his mind he mutters "no thank you" in the calmest tone he can muster up the questions in his chest cant help bubble out "What were you doing walking home alone at night drunk" Sasuke said, trying to make his voice as gentle as he can trying to ask her with the utmost tenderness, hoping to build a bond with her. she replied "I... I didn't want to annoy anyone," "Plus, I thought I could at least get myself home."

Sasuke gazes at Sakura with a desperate yearning to catch even the slightest glimpse of her emerald eyes. Lost in the thought of being drawn into those eyes and longing to lie beside her again, he feels that burning within him again . Sasuke actually calming down says "I'll take you home next time"sakura thanks him willing to take him up on if offer, she smiles at him, Sasuke quick thinking as he feels his face turn red after seeing her smile like that lays down on the couch "ah do you mind, I'm just gonna close my eyes for a second" closing his eyes in a panic he hears her walking over, and kneel besides the couch, doing everything in his power to keep his face from flushing red as she plays with his hair, everything in his body tells him to sit up and pull her onto him but holding back he lays there as he hears her stand up and walk away, hearing her run around and then the shower turn on he actually realizes how tired he is and drifts off to sleep

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