The Mission

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huff "so much for my days off " sakura sigh as the two head to see Kakashi who is now the hokage and noticed Naruto also in the room Sasuke pondered, "Have all three of us been assigned this mission?

Kakashi rose from his seat, facing the trio with a serious tone. "Guys, you have a critical mission ahead," Kakashi exclaimed.

"There's been a dangerous drug spreading through the nations." Naruto and Sasuke's eyes widened in alarm. "It's causing chaos," Kakashi continued. "It renders even the most skilled shinobi helpless, numbing them and causing blackouts."

Sasuke glances over at sakura slightly and whispers a quite "yeah I know"

He paused, letting the gravity of the situation sink in before continuing. "All signs point to the source being a red light district in the Land of Mist. It's imperative that we gather information and put a stop to this. I'm counting on you guys to uncover the truth behind this drug and the group responsible for its distribution."

"Why do all three of us need to go?" Sasuke exclaimed while tense. "Naruto must be busy, and Sakura is needed at the hospital. I'll go alone." Kakashi looked over at Sasuke eyes narrowed. "I don't care. Plus, it'll be good for you guys to catch up, yes?"

after a brief silence the temperature in the room feeling like its dropped "Yes, sensei," the group exclaimed.

"You two wait outside," Kakashi gestured at Naruto and Sakura. "Oh, okay," Sakura said. With both of them out of the room, Kakashi's heavy gaze lay on Sasuke.

"You know it's the same drug used on Sakura, yes?" Kakashi stated Sasuke sighed. "Yeah, I know." Kakashi adds "It's going to be a little rough, but you need those two"

Sasuke, annoyed at what Kakashi was saying, almost sounding like he's scolding a child, replied, "alright."

Leaving the office Sasuke joins up with the other two making their way out of the building, now outside Naruto strolled away, "I guess I'll see you guys in the morning. Laters."

"cya" sakura calls out while waving him off, Sasuke joins in waving Naruto off, the two of them now standing there the silence starts to creep up on them, sakura quick thinking not wanting to feel uncomfortable blurts out,

"Hm, a drug. Glad it hasn't reached Konoha yet," Sakura awkwardly laughed out."Yeah," Sasuke sighed as the pair started to walk back to sakura's then suddenly Ino appeared. running down the street, sakura surprised and happy to see her friend, thinking ino will be able to cut this awkwardness, ino now walking with them "I know everything" ino exclaims sakura turning to her a little confused,

"Sakura!". "Stay the night before you leave for your mission," she said with a grin spreading across her face. Sakura a bit dumbfounded, "how do you know" sakura asked in surprise, leading to ino stating "do you really think any type of mission involving my friends would make it passed me" ino taping her temple, sakura kind of glad to be out of the house still feeling a bit strange having sasuke there "yeah sure why not ill stay" sakura letting out a small grin then glanced over at Sasuke.

"Uhm, you'll be alright?" Sakura said to Sasuke, implying she wouldn't be home tonight. Sasuke nodded. "Yeah." sakura felt a cold draft rush over her body with Sasuke's reply

Sakura now walking away with Ino, laughing. Sasuke couldn't help but stand there, watching her walk away. Sasuke then made his way back to sakura's

The girls now at Ino's "Now that you're here, I'm going to help you out a little," Ino said as she pulled out all kinds of bottles and items that looked like they were used for torture.

"Ino, wait..." a scream rang out as Ino plucked and waxed, pulled and lathered. "You're one of the strongest kunoichi but can't handle this little beauty regimen," Ino shook her head in disappointment.

Sakura, red and sore, asked, "Did you ask me to stay over just to torture me?"Ino laughed. "No, you idiot. You're going on a mission with Sasuke-kun, are you not?"Sakura's eyes fluttered. "Yeah, but what's with all this?"

Ino sighed. "You spend too much time in the hospital. You're so beautiful, Sakura. Show it off a little.

As for your clothing..."Sakura stumbled back. "Wait, wait, no!"

Ino took a kunai and shredded them. Sakura's eyes teared up. "I got those on sale, Ino.""Yeah, I could tell," Ino replied, pulling out a new outfit. Sakura looked at it skeptically. "That's a bit much... or on the other hand, a bit less," she said, eyeing the skimpy-looking outfit."I'm going to freeze!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Don't be an idiot. It's been warm lately. Plus, if you get cold at night, why not ask for cuddles?" Ino mockingly suggested. "Fine, you can always just go in your underwear," she grumbled, sakura annoyed snatched the clothing from Ino. "Fine, I'll wear it."Ino chuckled. "Good girl. Let's get some sleep."

back at sakuras house, Sasuke lay on the futon in the spare room, thinking of the mission. "Should I have told her she was affected by that drug too?" he pondered, overthinking and worrying about it all. "At least me and Naruto will be there if it happens again," he reassured himself.

Tossing and turning all night, morning eventually arrived. Sasuke wondered if he should have just eaten before leaving the house, feeling shy as it wasn't his home and unsure if he could. As he made his way to the gate, he spotted Naruto also walking there.

"You're early," Sasuke mocked Naruto.

"Yeah, well, Hinata was a bit upset with me last night," Naruto replied, prompting a slight grin from Sasuke at the thought of the usually shy and calm Hinata being angry. "Must've been a scene."

"Anyways, where's Sakura-chan? Aren't you staying at hers?" Naruto asked.

"She stayed at Ino's," Sasuke exclaimed. "Oh, well, she'll show up smelling like flowers then," Naruto laughed out. 

"Flowers?" Sasuke asked, puzzled. "Yeah, every time the girls stay at Ino's, she puts them through intense torture," Naruto explained.

"Torture?!" Sasuke exclaimed, his eyes widening.

"Yeah, that's what they all say, but they come out looking so pretty," Naruto chuckled.

"Pretty?" Sasuke repeated, his cheeks flushing slightly.

"Sorry, I'm late!" 

a huffing and puffing Sakura came running. Both boys turned, but before she could even stop, a black flash. Sakura was now standing there in Sasuke's robe, leaving her and Naruto equally confused.

"Huh?" they both exclaimed in unison, sharing the same bewildered thought.

"Wear that," Sasuke said, looking away from her

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