Sasuke's part 1

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Sasuke's heart raced with anticipation as he finally laid eyes on the familiar gates of Konoha, Thoughts of Sakura flooded his mind, her image clear and vivid despite the passing of time. He couldn't help but blush a little at the mere thought of her, As he made his way into the village, Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a drunken Naruto strolling down the street, a equally intoxicated Hinata cradled in his arms. he chuckled a little at the scene before him, Stopping to greet them, Sasuke listened with amusement as Naruto excitedly recounted their night out with friends, Sasuke smiling at naruto's enthusiasm while talking , then Naruto mentioned Sakura's reaction to Sasuke's return, a flush spread across Sasuke's cheeks "Is Sakura still at the bar?" Sasuke asked, his voice nervous

naruto's face delayed a wide grin "hu hu wouldn't you like to know, " he laughed out "No she shouldn't be too far from home at this point" The flush of excitement that had tinged his cheeks moments before was replaced by a surge of concern, "wait you let her walk home alone at night drunk while at it" Sasuke exclaimed, The thought of Sakura walking home alone at night, especially in her current state, sent a shiver down his spine.

As Naruto's reassurance faded into the background, drowned out by the pounding of Sasuke's heart and the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Sasuke pressed on, With each step, his mind raced with images of Sakura's safety, Following the route from the bar to Sakura's house, Sasuke's mind was a whirlwind. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease, the sense of responsibility weighing heavy on his shoulders.

And then, just as he rounded a corner, his worst fears were realized. There she lay, unconscious on the ground, her beautiful pink hair tangled, a group of menacing figures moving closer to her like animals. Sasuke's stomach churned with a mixture of fear and rage as he took in the scene before him. Without a second thought, his instincts kicked into overdrive, his Sharingan blazing to life as he summoned all of his strength and focus. Sasuke leaped forward, positioning himself between the unconscious Sakura and the foul men, Sasuke's grip tightened on his sword with deadly intent. There was no room for mercy, no hesitation in his actions as he prepared to take these men's lives, "disgusting pigs like you have no reason to breath the same air as her"

the men laughed at Sasuke . "your only one guy you think we wont get what we want" they lunged forward, their intentions clear, to overpower Sasuke and reach the defenseless Sakura lying unconscious on the ground. his body coiled with tension as he prepared to defend Sakura at any cost. With lightning-fast reflexes honed through years of training, the men attempted take Sasuke down with just raw strength and number advantage, even so Sasuke countered their attacks with deadly efficiency, his strikes landing with pinpoint accuracy. knocking them all out with a feeling of relief washing over him, he gathered her gently into his arms, a silent promise he whispers in her ear "I would always be there to protect you, no matter the cost". he takes her home and informs the Konoha police about the situation.

carrying sakura in his arms scared he might be holding her too tightly scared to break her, he thought that was a stupid of him to think, sakura is far stronger then that, he couldn't get the events of what just happened out of his head "how the hell did she black out like that", all types of thoughts cross his mind during the short walk to her place, 

finding sakura's keys in her pocket, he unlocks the door and takes her inside, before laying her down on the bed he just sits there with her in his arms playing with the soft pink hair he had been dreaming about for a long time now, caressing her face and cheeks that were slightly blushed red from the alcohol,

 he felt his own burn up while looking at her lips that still had traces of lip-gloss in the corners of her mouth, Sasuke had too get up and lay her down in bed before he crossed the line and temped himself with a kiss,

 "not like this, its wrong" "i don't know how she feels about or if she even has those feelings still" after putting her to bed he gets up to close her curtains he notices a small little plant on her window sill, he smiles to himself briefly looking at the little black flowers that stand out in sakura's house that's primarily decorated in that same pink colour as her hair, he let himself have a glimmer of hope that maybe these flowers were to represent him in her life, he kept that selfish thought to himself, 

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