On Our Way

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Both of them looked at Sasuke in bewilderment. "Well, now that you're here, we should head out," Naruto suggested, eager to get going. "Oh, wait a second," Sakura interjected, pulling something out of her bag and handing Sasuke a brown paper bag.

Sasuke peered into the bag and noticed two warm steam buns. "I don't know if you've eaten, so I picked up a couple extra," Sakura explained.

Naruto, ever the opportunist, eagerly pushed his face in between them. "Ohh, did you get me any, Sakura-chan?" he asked with hopeful eyes.

Sakura, annoyed by Naruto's assumption, pushed his face out of the way. "What do you think I am, a charity?" she retorted sharply.

Undeterred, Naruto turned to Sasuke, playfully jumping on his back. "Come on, Sasuke, you've got two. Just give me a bite," he pleaded, trying to take a bite as Sasuke effortlessly dodged him.

Sakura's annoyance now reaching its peak, she screamed out, "Here, take mine!" Holding out the steam bun in her hand, her face twisted in irritation. Sasuke, observing the scene, quickly intervened and handed Naruto his, "Here."

Naruto eagerly accepts the steam bun, and the trio sets off, their minds focused on the impending mission. However, amidst the chatter and excitement, Sakura finds her thoughts drifting back to the cloak Sasuke had thrown over her. She feels a slight twinge of embarrassment wearing it, as it's quite large. she nudges her face into the oversized collar.

As they walk, Naruto notices Sakura's blushing, her face partially hidden by the collar of the cloak. His expression lights up with amusement as he nudges Sasuke playfully. "So, Sasuke, what's with the cloak?" he asks, gesturing towards Sakura, whose cheeks flush even redder at being singled out.

"She seemed cold," Sasuke remarks, avoiding direct eye contact with Sakura, his own cheeks tinged with a hint of red. He steals glances at her from the corner of his eye, noticing the subtle blush on her face. Internally, he feels a small flutter of panic at her adorable reaction.

"Hurry up," Sasuke adds, his tone cold but with a noticeable undercurrent of embarrassment. Naruto bursts into laughter at the sight, and they continue their journey,

Walking for a couple of hours, far from any town, Naruto starts to complain about being hungry. Sasuke gestures towards a clearing just past the trees, remembering it from his last journey. "There's a clearing up ahead with a small lake". Naruto yells out "I can get us some fish."

Full of energy, Naruto runs forward and yells back, "Sakura, come, look, it's really pretty!" Intrigued, Sakura hastens to join Naruto at the clearing.

Watching his two teammates run ahead, Sasuke can't help but feel a sense of contentment. "They should be in full bloom about now," he murmurs to himself, a small grin forming as he gazes downward. Suddenly, he hears a voice calling out to him.

"Sasuke-kun, look at this." Raising his head, he meets her gaze. Her pink hair, tied back, flows gently in the wind, and her smile is as comforting as it is beautiful. Her emerald eyes shine brightly under the midday sun.

Sasuke brings his arm up to cover his face in embarrassment and walks over to where they're standing, both Naruto and Sakura near bouncing up and down from excitement. Catching up to them, Sakura exclaims, "It's so beautiful."

"Yeah, it is," Sasuke agrees, his gaze fixed on her as she scans the area. She turns to look at him, and her eyes widen in surprise, not expecting him to be staring at her so deeply. realizing his error Sasuke turns away and walk towards a now near naked Naruto, Sasuke calls out to him "what in the world are you doing", "I'm going fishing" Naruto calls out in reply, sakura a bit fluster over what just happened snaps back to herself and noticed Naruto,

Cut to Naruto sitting under a tree, nursing a bump on his head seemingly caused by a punch from Sakura. Sakura stands nearby with her arms crossed, her back turned to him.

"For real, what do you think this is, undressing like that?" she sharply retorts, letting out a sigh. "I'll go get some firewood."

Sasuke, also nearby, gathers firewood. Sakura approaches him from behind, speaking up.

"Maybe we should stay here for the night," Sakura suggests. Sasuke nods

"I know it's midday, but I don't want to risk it getting dark before we find another decent spot," Sakura explains.

"Yeah, we'll set up camp," Sasuke agrees. They return with enough wood for the night. Sasuke uses Fire Style to light the fire, while Naruto collects fish and Sakura prepares them for cooking. After they have eaten their fill, Sakura looks over at Naruto and sighs.

"Sorry I hit you, but since the sun's still out, how about a swim?" she suggests. Naruto's eyes start to sparkle with excitement.

"Oh, hell yeah!" he exclaims, quickly undressing down to his underwear and jumping into the lake. "Yeah, that's nice!"

"That looks nice. Wait for me," Sakura adds, smiling, as she also prepares to join Naruto in the refreshing water.

Sasuke overhears them from a tree he's leaned against and stands up, moving closer to the lake where Naruto and Sakura are. "You coming in, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asks, but Sasuke shakes his head and waves her on. "Oh, okay then," Sakura responds, taking off Sasuke's cloak and hanging it on a nearby branch. Both boys stare at her, and Naruto can't resist making a comment. "Oh, that's what you were hiding, huh, Sasuke?" he teases, prompting Sasuke to react quickly by throwing a rock at him. Naruto ends up floating on the water in a comedic way, while Sasuke glances over towards Sakura. Her outfit is striking: a short-sleeved black undershirt up to her neck, over which she wears her signature reddish qipao dress, pulled together with a pale brown belt wrapped around her waist. Sasuke struggles to look away, feeling the effect she's unknowingly having on him.

Sakura, now in her undershirt and shorts, jumps into the water, splashing Naruto to wake him up. They both spend what feels like hours mucking around in the lake, enjoying the water. As the sun starts to set, Sasuke calls them out, reminding them to hang their clothes up to dry. They both jump out, and Sakura swaps her wet clothes for the dress she had taken off before. Both she and Naruto warm up near the fire.

Sasuke walks over to Sakura with his cloak, placing it back on her. "You guys should get some sleep," he suggests. "Are you not sleeping, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asks. Sasuke looks towards the fire in the middle of them. "I'll keep watch."

Sakura grabs his arm, and Naruto chimes in, "There's no need. I'll sense if anyone's coming." Sasuke can't help but think about that moment not too long ago when he had tried waking Naruto up. "Alright," he concedes, laying down. With both boys on either side of Sakura, after a little while Naruto is fast asleep, she peeks over at Sasuke, only able to see the back of his head.

"Can't sleep?" she hears Sasuke say. "Oh, no, that's not it," Sakura responds, but Sasuke rolls over, now eye to eye with her. "Then what is it?" he whispers. Sakura's heart races as she realizes how close he is. "He's so close, I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest," she thinks to herself. "Ah, no, nothing. I'm just a bit cold, that's all," she says, and Sasuke lets out a quiet sigh, opening the cloak and shuffling closely to her wrapping his arm around her.

Sakura's face feels like it's on fire as she's basically nestled into Sasuke's chest. Unbeknownst to Sakura, Sasuke's face is also glowing red. His chest feels tight with her nestled against him, and he's trying everything in his power to clear the strange thoughts in his mind. Despite the warmth of the cloak, the heat between them seems to intensify, making it difficult for Sasuke to focus on anything else.

Sasuke looks down into the cloak and notices sakura has fallen asleep, "like a little bird" he whispers quietly scared to wake her, looking at her sleeping face once again, he brushes the stray hair that has fallen on her face, and tucking it behind her ear, he wraps his arm around her again and rubs her back slightly but notices that she isn't wearing anything underneath that thin dress that she has on, "Damn it..." he whispers silently "fuck... fuck... fuck..." over and over in his head, Sasuke struggles to control his body's reaction, feeling himself growing stiff.

Determined not to disturb Sakura's sleep, he lies there motionless throughout the night, hoping she won't notice. Each passing moment feels like an eternity as Sasuke endures a long, sleepless night

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