Sakura part 2

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watching Sasuke leave the room and the pure emotion she shared with Naruto "Naruto you should run home Surely Hinata is confused and you must be tired", Naruto stands up pulling Sakura up off the floor still with tears in his eyes. sakura comforts him ensuring that she's alright and thanks him for being here with her, she gives him another hug while pushing him out the door telling him he better get home, both of them walk past Sasuke that was now sitting on the couch, now at the front door she waves him off as he jumps away over the building across the road

sakura's shoulder tense up as she remembers Sasuke sits on her couch she walks over to the kitchen connected to the lounge, She cleared her throat, trying to steady her voice. "Would you like a coffee?" she offered her words barely above a whisper his expression unreadable. Sakura felt a knot form in her stomach, unsure of how to break through the silence, Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Sasuke spoke, his voice low and filled with frustration. "No, thank you," he replied, his tone cutting through the silence like a knife. Sakura nodded,

"What were you doing walking home alone at night drunk" Sasuke said in a harsh tone, Sakura's hands trembled slightly as she gripped her mug tightly, the warm cup of coffee offering little solace against the chill in Sasuke's voice. His question hung heavy in the air,

"I... I didn't want to annoy anyone," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the sound of her racing heartbeat. "Plus, I thought I could at least get myself home."

Sasuke's sharp gaze bore into her, The intensity of his stare sent a shiver down her spine, and she felt exposed and vulnerable, Sakura couldn't bring herself to meet Sasuke's eyes, her gaze fixed on the swirling patterns of her coffee.

Sasuke spoke again, his voice softer this time, tinged with a hint of remorse. "I'll take you home next time"

sakura's eyes widen, "thank you, I'll take you up on that offer" finally able to smile without feeling overwhelmed, Sasuke lays down on the couch "do you mind, I'm just gonna close my eyes for a second" Sasuke drifts off to sleep, sakura a bit bewildered, "how'd he fall asleep so fast", he must've been up this whole time, sakura's face flashed extremely bright as she realized Sasuke is here, 

here in her house asleep on her couch heart near beating out her chest, she kneels down beside him moving his hair away from his face, and found herself staring at him deeply the man she had been waiting for was right in front of her, still playing with his hair she notices his shirt is slightly unbuttoned and ripped, she was now staring at his exposed chest, she jumped up so quickly face once again flushed red, 

she got up to grab him a blanket and covered the sleeping Sasuke, sakura entering her room grabbing a change of clothes and heads to the shower, while in the shower she cant get Sasuke off her mind she felt dirty standing there she felt her body become hot thinking about him, she quickly snapped out of it, "don't be gross" she whispered to herself, after her shower and getting dresses, she leaves her spare key on the coffee table just incase he wakes up before she gets home, thinking to herself "I don't think he has a place to stay so ill just leave this here"

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