Chapter 2.4 : The flames of Vengeance.

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"Boss! We're under attack! It's the port mafia!"

Kenzaburo's expression betrayed obvious astonishment, but he still kept his composure, wanting to handle the situation as best as possible. However, he was already getting annoyed... he had let Haru go and released his little brother without suspecting that he had actually allied himself with Toru.

"How many are they?" Kenzaburo's tone had become rather firm... Toru could see that he was trying to show that everything was still under control.

The man who had just entered the office seemed a little embarrassed to answer that question. "They... they're two, boss..."

Kenzaburo's annoyance was becoming more and more evident as he replied... His black eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "Well? If they're only two, get rid of them!"

Now that Toru had let him know that she could still see, she watched the scene calmly, without moving an inch. She could now clearly distinguish the details of the office in which she was. It seemed to be located in a rather dilapidated building, but upon reflection, housing a new criminal organization in inconspicuous premises was probably meant to keep a low profile. When one looked at Kenzaburo, it was apparent that he was a man in his fifties, with black eyes and dark greenish-black hair. He was rather well-dressed... wearing a red shirt under a long black jacket and beige pants. Despite the rundown nature of their base, it was evident from the weapons and clothing of Dusk's members that they required significant resources, which they obtained through the organ trafficking they carried out. As for the upkeep of the premises, they probably left that to the hospital where they stored the organs.

While Toru observed in silence, Kenzaburo, on the other hand, was seriously surprised to see one of his men in such a state over just two intruders... only, when the floor and walls suddenly began to tremble, he quickly realized that these "two intruders" were not just anyone... The violent shake almost caused the three people in the office to lose their balance. Kenzaburo displayed his annoyance at the current situation, no longer bothering to hide it.

"What in the... hmph... you asked for it..." He gritted his teeth before using his power... or rather, the powers of his sons. One could amplify powers while the other could create clones. The last one enhanced physical abilities for a short period of time... but amplifying this power made it more than formidable. Granted, the time frame remained quite short, but his strength was increased enough to make him an invincible adversary during those brief minutes.

"Here s my ability! Journal of my sons!"

(On a side note, the moments when characters from BSD say the phrase "Here s my ability" sound rather like magical girl transformations 👀)


On the first floor of the building, Dazai and Chuuya wreaked havoc... well, Chuuya wreaked havoc while Dazai observed his partner destroying everything without restraint. The enemies and installations of the building were annihilated one after the other. The entire floor was damp... at first glance, it seemed that the pipes had been breached, causing the moisture in the area. The members of Dusk were quickly eliminated... however, a long noise could be heard... and it seemed to be coming from the upper floors.

Dazai looked up, tilting his head with a curious expression. "Is it just me, or is it getting closer?"

Chuuya, who stood proudly on the pile of enemies he had just defeated, saw his satisfied smile falter as he also looked up at the ceiling. "Hm? You think so?"

Suddenly, the ceiling collapsed... in the debris on the ground lay Toru's body, in a sorry state, lying in the heap. Her voice was weak as she struggled to get up and coughed.

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