Whatevr it takes

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Nicki POV:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Nicki POV:

"Onika! Get up!" Lauren shook me awake. Sensing how panicked she was, I rose to my feet immediately. Trying my best to gather myself, I slid on my slippers.

"What's wrong?" I asked, stopping her from grabbing her keys. Something was definitely wrong, Lo was the brightest shade of red as tears fell down her face.

"I'll tell you in the car, just come on." She choked. Whatever it was had to be difficult to speak about, but I desperately needed to know what had her so upset.

"Is Gucci okay?" I softened my tone, hating I even had to ask. Our previous conversation was still prominent in my mind. "Do I need to drive?" She seemed to be really upset, driving might not be safe.

"He's fine." Lauren answered, looking at me hesitantly as we got into the car.

My heart stopped, and I became sick to my stomach. If it wasn't Gucci then it was Beyoncé. Everything started to make sense the lack of words, the urgency to get me to the car. My friend knew I wouldn't have made it. "Lo..." I called giving her time to tell me whatever I might be thinking was wrong.

"She's going to okay." Here it was, empty promises to the unknown. If it wasn't that serious Beyoncé would have called, so I wouldn't worry. Lauren actually shedding tears for Giselle told me everything I needed to know. A person she wouldn't step foot around if it wasn't on the account of me and her man.

"How bad is it?" I asked, mentally preparing myself to read in between the lines. No doubt that my bestfriend cared for me and was going to try and coddle me from the severity of the situation, and I didn't need that right now.

I needed the specifics. I needed to know how much time I have with my baby. I had to know if I've ran out of time.

"Just let me get you there twin." Lo avoided the question like I knew she would.

"You have to tell me something!" I begged, wiping tears from my face. "Anything, please!" Lauren blew out a long breath drifting through traffic.

"She got shot and she's in surgery."

"This was all my fault! I knew all the shit that came with my actions and still managed to put her in a fucked up situation. The most fucked up situation I could've put her in.

Honestly, I didn't know how to feel. Mostly I was sad and angry, not one more than the other. Which was hard when I'm trying to have faith and not assume the worst, but part of me wanted to prepare for it. Even though this was something, I could never prepare for.

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