Chapter Six

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Charlotte POV

" She was my ex girlfriend". Engfa answered bluntly.  She waited  until we arrived at our house and went inside.

" Why I just knew about this?!!" I asked, raising my voice a little bit. Trying not to make myself stress.

" Well, you will get angry."

" Of course I am?!! There are thousands of potential investors and suits to be appointed as her position, Why you choose her?"

" Well she had good experience. And plus ---"

" I wont be this angry if you inform me earlier. Whatever, I don't want to make myself stress. Do what you want to do. Just remember that I won't forgive you if one day, something happens between you and her".

" I won't , I promise okay?". My wife walks closer to me, trying to calm me down. She back hugged me.

" Promise to keep your words?" I asked, peeking her lips. She pulls me closer. Her fingers were busy undressing my dress. I gasped for air when her lips ravishing mine. She laid me on the couch, carefully.

" Pfa... hmmm ahhh"

" Why baby? Thirsty for me?"

" Let's do--- inside our bedroom?" I asks as I strokes her hairs, she stops and looks at me.

" Why? You're uncomfortable?" She asks. I pulled her hands to strokes my growing baby bump, she forgot about the babies for a while.

" No, I want you. But, can we do somewhere comfortable?". I asked, with pleading eyes.

" Babe, I am-- thanks for reminding me. I am so sorry".

" No, I want you, Engfa Waraha. Show to me I am yours. But first, lift me inside our bedroom first". Pfa carefully lift me up in bridal style and we continue with our love making until night comes.

Engfa POV

My left hand was numb, I saw charlotte sleeping peacefully on my arms. Not a single strings covering our bodies below the blanket on the king sized bed. The sound of ringing bells makes me annoyed. 

" Pfa? Can you help to open the door? Hmmm it is so noisy". My wife whispered to me, her eyes remain closed.

" Hmm? I am sleepy babe, can't we just stay in the position until noon?" I asked while stroking her hairs.

" We had done it 3 rounds last night, p'bee. I am tired. Now get your asses & open the door". Charlotte pinched my shoulder, she continue to sleep. I quickly stood up and grabbed a black shirt with long shorts, making my way downstairs.

" Dad & Mom?". I quickly gestured my in laws to come in. My clothes & charlotte clothes was lying on the floor due to yesterday's " almost" love making. I quickly picked it up.

" Where's my daughter?". Daddy Austin asked while looking at me.

" She's sleeping. She's quite tired nowadays. Her pregnancy just entered 6 months yesterday. I have been taking extra care of her". I answered, I know daddy austin is not quite fond of me, but well maybe the fondness will change once the babies born.

" I heard you guys having a twins? Congratulations". Mummy Austin hugs me. She then took three bags full of babies clothing.

" Look, we bought the babies clothes. Well we visited our friends here in bangkok, just want to drop off for a while since it seems you're to busy to visits us at Phuket". Mummy Austin said, as she showed the babies clothes.

" You're always working. Do look after our daughter too. Bring her to Phuket sometimes". Daddy austin said. I was silenced. From upstairs, I heard my wife shouts. She walks hastily downstairs. I quickly ran to her and asked her to slow down.

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