Chapter 1- The New Year

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Misty steps off the train and onto the platform. She feels the cool night air breeze past her, a nice change from the musty atmosphere of the train. The platform is packed with students exiting the train, trying to find their friends, and figuring out where to go. Misty worked her way through the crowd, squeezing past groups of students talking and looking for their other friends. As Misty is making her way through the crowded platform, she feels someone's hand on her shoulder. She jumps and turns to face them, relaxing when she sees that it's Remus. 

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She exclaims as she playfully hits his shoulder. 

"Hello to you too." Remus replies with a chuckle. He gives Misty a brief hug, clearly happy to see her again after the long summer. Misty hugs back as to say hello.

"It's good to see you again Remus."

"Yeah, same here." Remus pauses and looks at Misty. She looks different, but he can't quite figure out what. "You look different. Did you change your hair or something?" He takes a guess going with a safe option.

"Oh, yeah I did. I decided to try something new and cut my hair short. What do you think?" She looks at him with anticipation and curiosity.

"I think it suits you. It looks great." Remus gives her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks." Misty relaxes, smiling softly. Misty then looks around and notices that none of the other Marauders are with Remus, which is weird because the four are practically attached at the hips. "Where are the others?" She asks, looking around for the others.

"Oh, James went to go find Lily and Sirius went with him. They dragged Peter along with them. They said that they'd wait for us by the carriages." Remus said with a chuckle.

Misty sighs and rolls her eyes. "Of course they did. I feel bad for Lily."

"Me too. James is relentless, and that's putting it nicely." Remus chuckles as he grimaces. He goes to say something else but gets interrupted by a loud, booming voice. Both Misty and Remus look in the direction the voice came from. 

"First years, please follow me. The rest of you make your way to the carriages." 

Remus looks back at Misty and smiles before speaking. 

"I guess we should get going."

Misty nods in response. They start walking toward the end of the platform where the road to Hogwarts is. As Misty and Remus make their way through the crowd, weaving through students heading in all directions, Misty hears someone call her name. She stops walking and looks in the direction the person called from. Her face lights up when she sees her brother waving at her. She waves back and calls him over. Cyril makes his way towards them, trying not to bump into anyone or trip and fall flat on his face. Which he has done before and yes, Misty did laugh at him as the loving sibling she is. Once Cyril successfully makes his way over to Remus and Misty, without falling surprisingly, he hugs Remus and Misty. 

"It's good to see you again Remus."

"Yeah, same here. I'm surprised you didn't trip on your way over here." Remus teases Cyril. 

"Ha Ha, very funny. That's only happened twice." Cyril rolls his eyes at Remus' comment.

"Yeah, you're never living that down. That was Hilarious!" Misty said while laughing.

"Yeah yeah," Cyril rolls his eyes, "So glad I can entertain you, little sis." A smirk creeps onto his face. Misty glares at him in response. 

"By two minutes!" Misty hisses.

"Hey, two minutes is two minutes." Cyril chuckles at Misty's little fit.

"Whatever." Misty scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Let's go find the others before Lily murders James." She starts walking towards the pickup area for the carriages. 

"Yeah, good idea." Remus responds as he and Cyril follow her. 

"I was wondering where the others were. Figures that's the first thing James does as soon as he gets back. He really needs to move on." Cyril sighs in annoyance. 

"Yeah right," Remus says in an obviously sarcastic tone. "He's been obsessed with her since first year, I don't see him moving on anytime soon."

"He is the epitome of teenage love. Maybe Lily will finally say yes to him this year." Misty says, her tone hinting that she doesn't believe that will happen anytime soon.

"Eh, I don't think it will." Remus responds. 

"Wanna bet?" Cyril smirks as he asks Remus, curious to see what his thoughts are. Cyril waits for Remus' response while they keep heading towards the carriage area.

"Hm...Sure, why not? If Lily says yes to James at any point this year I will give you 200 galleons." Remus replies with an offer.

"Deal. And if she doesn't say yes once by the of the year I will give you 200 galleons." Cyril and Remus shake hands. 

"And no one can say anything to her, otherwise that person automatically loses." Remus reminds Cyril.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not as dumb as Sirius or James." Cyril rolls his eyes.

"Just checking."

"Are you two really making a bet over something that is as obvious as the fact that the earth is round?" Misty shakes her head. "I swear, it's tough being the only smart one here" Misty mumbles.

"What?! It's just a harmless bet. It's not like we are hurting anyone. No need to be so rude. And I am not dumb!" Cyril immediately gets defensive, sounding like a five-year-old who just got caught doing something they know they shouldn't have been doing. Remus just laughs. This is a common occurrence, so it's not unusual for someone to act like this. 

"No need to get so defensive. You're not in trouble buddy." Misty says the last line is a teasing tone as she laughs along with Remus. 

"Not funny." Cyril pouts and turns away from them. Remus and Misty laugh a little louder.

"Love ya too buddy." Misty ruffles Cyrils' hair. Cyril just glares at her. Misty sees this and responds with a cheeky smile. Cyril's expression softens when he sees her smile and he starts chuckling.

"You're annoying, you know?" Cyril playfully nudges Misty's shoulder. 

"I know, but so are you." Misty nudges back.

Soon the three of them arrive at the pickup area and they spot James talking, more like harrassing, Lily and as always Lily is uninterested. Sirius is watching the two interact with the biggest grin on his face and then there is Peter, who is just standing around looking bored out of his mind. Misty chuckles when she sees this.

"Now that's just sad." Looking at the scene before them. The other two nod in agreement. It really is sad. This has happened for the last 4 years since James first met Lily. It looks as pathetic as it sounds. 

Authors note:

The first chapter is done. Yay! It is 1129 words long. *gasp*

I hope you all enjoyed it. The story will be slow and boring for a while till we get to the drama. I will try to update the story at least once a week. I have Finals these next couple of weeks, so most of my attention will be focused on that. I should be able to update more starting the week of the 6th of May. I'll keep y'all updated tho.  

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