Chapter 6- First Prank of the Year pt. 3

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The four make their way to the great hall where Misty and Cyril are waiting. Cryril's face lights up when he sees the others coming and nudges Misty. 

"They're finally here!" Cyril says ecstatic. 

Misty just nods, looking beyond annoyed and slightly pissed. The two stand there watching the others as they make their way over. The group finally makes it over to the others.

"Good Morning!" James says in an enthusiastic and sickeningly cheery voice. 

"Morning..." Remus mumbles. Sirius and Peter nod. 

"Morning!" Cyril says cheerily. Misty waves half-heartedly.

"Yall ready for this?" James says ready to burst with excitement. 

"Yes! I barely slept last night I was so excited!" Cyril exclaims and Misty groans. James and Sirius chuckle at Cyril's excitement and Misty's annoyance. 

"You don't sound too excited Mist." James snickers and earns a glare from Misty.

"Let's just get this over with before I decide not to help you anymore." Misty sighs and disappears down a hallway. Peter walks down the main hallway a bit and looks around for teachers. He discreetly gives them a thumbs up as an "all clear". James walks a little way and stands in the middle of the hallway to the left of the Great Hall. Cyril does the same standing in the hallway to the right of the Great Hall. Sirius is in the hallway directly in front of the Great Hall with Remus, who is standing off to the side. 

Once everyone is in place, James glances at Peter, and Peter gives him the all-clear. James nods to Cyril and Sirius. They all point their wands at the floor and whisper "Auguamenti". A stream of water shoots out of their wands, flooding the hallways and the entrance to the Great Hall. As the water floods the corridor, the students look down at the water confused and alarmed. Many move away from the water in an attempt to stay dry, while others just stand there looking perplexed.  

After a few minutes, the three stop and put their wands away and Remus points his wand at the water and mumbles "Glacius". A small white ball shoots out of Remus's wand towards the water. The water the ball hits freezes instantly and the ice slowly spreads, covering the corridor in ice. The students register what's happening and scramble to get away from the water as it freezes. Remus starts walking away as soon as his part is done, while the other three stand there like idiots, watching with excitement and glee. James looked especially proud at the prank he just pulled. 

Peter, who was still keeping watch the whole time, sees a teacher heading towards them and he practically sprints to James. 

"We need to go! Now!" Peter says urgently. 

"Wha- Why?" James looks at Peter perplexed. Peter facepalms and sighs.

"A teacher you bloody idiot!" Peter says exasperated. 

"O-Oh..." James's eyes widen. "Yeah. G-good idea..." 

"I swear..." Peter mumbles. He grabs James's wrist and starts pulling him away from the crime scene only to stop dead in their tracks when the teacher turns the corner. The teacher's eyes widen and dart from James and Peter to the ice-covered corridor and then back to James and Peter. James and Peter stand there for a few minutes internally panicking like imbeciles. Meanwhile, Cyril and Sirius have already disappeared, sprinting down the corridors searching for Misty. 

After a couple more seconds, James and Peter finally snap back to reality and hightail it out of there. They run across the ice, slipping like the idiots they are, but eventually make it to the other side. Once safely across the ice, they sprint down the hall, running from the teacher. 

"Hey! Get back here you two!" The teacher yells as the two sprint down the hall. The teacher chases after them. Two other teachers, who had seen the last part of the current events, started to reverse the ice and water and clean it up.

The teacher continues to chase after James and Peter. The two continue running through the corridors searching for Misty. Cyril and Sirius have already found Misty and Remus, who was smart and left early. The four friends hear people running down the hall and a teacher shouting. Misty's eyes widen when she hears the teacher's voice recognizing it immediately as McGonagall. 

"Is that-"

"Yep..." Misty cuts off Sirius.

"Welp, they're screwed..." Remus says.

"Are you still going to help them?" Sirius asks Misty.

"Nah, they're screwed. I'm not getting involved." Misty replies.

"That's probably smart." Remus adds.

"You're just going to let them deal with it themselves?" Cyril asks. "You do realize that without you they'll most likely get caught, right?"

"Yes, I do Cyril." Misty sighs. "But I am not going to lie to McGonagall's face when it sounds like she clearly knows that they were involved."

"I- Good point..." Cyril nods. 

"Yeah. Anyway, I'm gonna go... Y'all are more than welcome to stay here." Misty says as she starts walking away.

'I'll come with you. As much as I would love to see them get their ass handed to them, I'd rather not risk getting in trouble." Remus says as he follows Misty. 

"You know what? That's smart. I'm gonna do that." Cyril mumbles as he follows after the two.

"Alright. Have fun you three. I'm gonna stay here and watch." Sirius says as he leans against the wall. The three walk down the hall, turn a corner, and disappear down the hall. Sirius remains where he is as he hears the two idiots racing down the hall still being chased by McGonagall. 

James and Peter round the corner and stumble to a stop when they see Sirius leaning against the wall smirking. James looks around for the others, his face changing from exhaustion and fear to one of panic and annoyance. Peter leans against the wall trying to catch his breath.

"Where the bloody hell is she?" James exclaims.

"Not here, clearly." Sirius shrugs. 

"I can see that! I'm not blind!" James snaps.

"Coulda fooled me. You know, with the glasses and all." Sirius chuckles earning a glare from James.

"Not in the mood Pads." James sneers. "I can't believe she left! I- She was supposed to help us get out of this!"

"Clearly she had a change of heart."

"Thank you Captain Obvious!" James rolls his eyes.

"What are we going to do now?" Peter asks. "She's still on her way and our only hope of escaping...left..."

"I don't know! I'm working on it!" James snaps. 

"Okay, sorry..."

"I swear I am going to hex the little witch when I see her next." James mumbles as he runs a hand through his messy brown hair. 

"You might want to hurry up with that plan of yours Prongs. I can hear her and she sounds close." Sirius points out, his smirk widening.

"If you don't shut up, I am going to strangle you Pads." 

Sirius raises his hands in a surrendering gesture. "No need to get violent Prongs. I'm Just trying to help."

"Well, you're not! So if you could kindly sh-" 

"James Potter and Peter Pettigrew! You two my classroom, now!" McGonagall snaps cutting James off.

"You two are in trouble~" Sirius mocks and James glares at him, yet again.

"You too Sirius Black." 

"I- what?!" Sirius's eyes widen in disbelief. 'I didn't do anything!"

"I seriously doubt that." McGonagall responds calmly, a drastic change from her mood only seconds ago. 

"I swear I wasn't-" Sirius's protest gets cut off as McGonagall raises her hand. 

"I don't want to hear it. My classroom. Now. The three of you." She turns and walks away, expecting the three to follow. they look at each other briefly before following McGonagall to her office. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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