Chapter 5- First Prank of the Year Pt.2

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It was a rainy Saturday afternoon and the marauders were currently in the Gryffindor common room planning their very first prank of the year. Sirius, James, and Cyril are figuring out the main details and logistics of the prank, Peter is sitting next to them being useless like always, and Remus is reading a book to Misty, while she is lying down with her head in his lap.

"I think we should do it in one of the halls around the courtyard." James says.

'Uh...I don't think that would have the effect we want." Sirius replies.

"Then where? You guys keep shooting down everyone's ideas." Peter observes 'cause that's all he does. 

"Yeah, this is looking a lot like Monday." Cyril groans. 

"I know." Sirius groans and puts his head in his hands.

"Why not do the hallway in front of the Great Hall?" Misty pipes up from where she lies on the couch. "It's like the most used corridor in the whole castle."

Sirius's head snaps up and looks at Misty shocked and confused. Cyril looks at Misty, then at Sirius, and chuckles. 

"W-what?" Sirius says in disbelief, which causes the other five to laugh.

"I think Misty just solved your problem is what." Remus says as he chuckles. 

"I- uh I got that. I- I'm just surprised she helped us..." Sirius says in disbelief. 

"I mean it's not that surprising, she's helped us before." James says.

"I- I k-know that! I- just- uh- Oh bloody hell!" Sirius exclaims. (and yes, this has broken him)

"Sirius is broken!" Peter laughs.

The others laugh as Sirius stares in Misty's direction in disbelief. Remus chuckles as he starts to play with Misty's hair. 

"Anyway, let's get back to planning this prank." James says. 

"Y- Yeah... Let' that..." Sirius says still broken. 

They go back to planning and Remus goes back to reading to Misty. After 5 hours of debating, looking stuff up, and convincing Remus to participate and Misty to help them stay out of trouble, they are finally done. James, Cyril, and Sirius will stand in the middle of the hallways surrounding the Great Hall. Sirius will be in the hallway directly in front of the Great Hall, James on the left, and Cyril on the right. Remus will be with Sirius and Peter will be on the lookout for teachers. Misty will be somewhere in one of the halls to help keep the boys out of trouble, the ones she can anyway. 

One late Sunday night in the Gryffindor common room, the night before the big prank. 

"Now that everyone knows where they are standing, let's go over the procedure again." James says and everyone groans in response.

"James, this is the fifteenth time we've been over this. Please, take a break. I'm begging you." Peter complains, like always. 

"I know, I know. Let's go over it one last time, okay?" James says in a pleading tone. 

"Fine, but this is the last time. It's eleven o'clock, we need to go to bed." Cyril says. 

"I agree with Cyril. We've been at this for the last two hours." Misty complains as she leans her head on Cyril's shoulder. Cyril smiles softly as she does then wraps an arm around her. 

'Yeah, I got it. this is the last time. I just-" James sighs "I just want this to go smoothly. It is the first prank of the year."

"We know," Remus says. "Let's just get this over with."

"Okay. So, Sirius, Cyril, and I will use the water-conjuring charm. Once that is done, Remus will cast the freezing charm to freeze the water. Peter will be on the lookout for teachers and then Misty will be around to help keep us out of trouble." James says.

"And when things inevitably go wrong, we run." Sirius says.

"Yeah. Can we go now" Peter says. 

"Yeah. Just remember, eight o'clock tomorrow in front of the Great Hall." James reminds them.

"We know!" Everyone snaps as they head off to bed. 

"Geez! A simple yes would've sufficed." James mumbles as he pouts and heads to bed. 

The next morning Sirius, Peter, and Remus were in for a rude awakening. James had decided to grab a bucket of water to wake up his friends with. He went for Peter first. James carefully grabs one of the three buckets he filled earlier and tip-toes to Peter's bed. He stands at the edge of the bed and chucks the water onto Peter, causing Peter to jolt upright. 

"GAH!" Peter shrieks as he frantically looks around till he sees James. "Bloody hell, Prongs. you nearly gave me a heart attack." Peter complains as he lies back down. 

"Gods, that was so much better than I imagined it." James chuckles.

"Whatever." Peter groans. 

James grabs bucket number two and heads over to Remus' bed. He stands at the edge of the bed and chucks the water onto Remus. Like Peter, Remus also woke up in shock. He jolts up and locks eyes with a snickering James. 

"Bloody hell Prongs!" Remsus groans. 

"Morning sunshine." James says with the cheekiest smile on his face. Remus just rolls his eyes and drags himself outta bed. 

James goes and gets the third and final bucket of water and stands at the end of Sirius' bed. James throws the water on Sirius expecting him to have the same reaction as the other two, boy was he wrong. As soon as the water hit Sirius he jolts up and chucks a pillow at James. The pillow hits James square in the face with a "THWACK!" sending him backward to the floor.

"OW!" James exclaims as he rubs his face. "Bloody hell Pads!"

Sirius peers over the edge of the bed and snickers. "Shouldn't have been standing there then." He shrugs. 

"You had it coming Prongs." Remus snickers and the events that just unfolded. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." James rolls his eyes. "Let's just get up and get this prank going."

"Careful Prongs, I know where you sleep." Sirius smirks as he gets out of bed.

"Yeah, no shit." James gestures to the bed next to Sirius'. "I literally sleep next to you."

Sirius chuckles. "Oh really? hadn't noticed dumbass." He says sarcastically. 

James just rolls his eyes while Remus and Peter snicker. The four Marauders get dressed and ready for the day, then head out of the tower to meet Misty and Cyril. 

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