Chapter 3- The Announcement

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After everyone has found their seats, The Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, stands up and speaks in a loud voice.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Let the sorting ceremony begin." Headmaster Dumbledore gestures to the doors of the Great Hall and they swing open.

Professor McGonagall enters the Great Hall, leading a group of about thirty first-years. They make their way to the front of the Great Hall and Professor McGonagall steps onto the platform. She pulls out a stool and the sorting hat. She unrolls a scroll with a list of all the names of the first years with their names in alphabetical order by last name. She grabs the tip of the Sorting Hat and calls the first student on the list.

"Naomi Angel"

The first-year walks up and sits down on the stool. Professor McGonagall lowers the hat onto their head. After three seconds the Sorting Hat shouts.


Cheers can be heard from the Ravenclaw table as the first-year walks over and takes her seat. Professor McGonagall calls the next name on the list.

"Tia Anaya."

She walks up and sits on the stool. Her expression is tense and scared, normal for a first year. The Sorting Hat is lowered onto her head and immediately shouts...


The first year's expression relaxes when she is given her house. She makes her way over the Hufflepuff table and is welcomed with cheers and handshakes. She takes a seat. Professor McGonagall calls the next name on the list.

"Fergus Atkins."

The first-year walks up and sits on the stool, looking and acting a lot more confident than the two before him. He sits on the stool, and the hat gets lowered onto his head, but before the hat can even touch his head, the hat shouts his house, which is a surprise to no one considering how he acted.


The Gryffindor table erupts into cheers and claps, trying to be the loudest house and succeeding, kinda. The first year takes a seat and is bombarded by people welcoming him. This process is repeated till all the first years have been sorted and seated at their respective tables. Once everyone has been seated, Headmaster Dumbledore clinks his glass three times and stands up to address everyone.

"Before we begin the feast, I have an announcement to make."

The headmaster walks around the staff table to the front. Two Ministry workers bring out a tall, gold tower. The hall is filled with the whispers of students. The headmaster walks and stands next to it, then he takes his wand out.

"This year Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Tournament, a competition between three schools; Beauxbaton, Durmstrang, and Hogwarts. We will now welcome the Beauxbaton Academy of Magic."

The doors to the Great Hall swing open and a group of about fifteen students enter, each one wearing a silky light blue uniform. They gracefully walk to the front of the hall, split down the middle, and stand on either side of the walkway. The Headmistress for the Beauxbatons enters and walks to the front. The headmaster greets her, and she takes her seat. The Beauxbaton students take their seats at a table on the left side of the Great Hall.

"And now we welcome the Durmstrang Institute."

The doors swing open once again and another group of fifteen students rush into the Great Hall. They are wearing blood-red fur uniforms and are carrying staff. They walk towards the front, banging the staff on the floor, sparks flying as they come into contact with the ground. The headmaster followed behind them. The headmaster of Hogwarts greets the headmaster of Durmstrang, then the latter takes his seat. The Durmstrang students then take their seats at a table on the right side of the Great Hall.

"Now that everyone is here, it is time to explain how this tournament works. Each school will have one champion that will represent them. The champion can be anyone 16 years of age or older. The champion will be chosen by putting their name on a piece of paper and putting it into the goblet of fire."

The headmaster then takes out his wand and taps the top of the gold tower. The gold tower slowly disappears, starting from the top, revealing a stone goblet with blue fire coming out of it.

"Once the champions are chosen the tasks will begin. There are three tasks in total and the winner will be chosen at the end of the third one. The winner will get the Triwizard Cup."

The headmaster points to a table on the side of the hall. On top of the table is something that is covered with a cloth. When the headmaster points at the item with his wand, the cloth flies off the object, revealing a trophy. The trophy has a sliver metal stem and handles, the cup part is clear blue crystal.

"Now that we have covered everything, let the feast begin."

He says as he waves his hands in front of him, in the direction of the tables, and the food magically appears. Everyone starts eating and the sounds of chatter and silverware hitting dishes fill the hall.

"I think we should all put our names in." James speaks first.

"I was already planning to the moment it was announced." Sirius says as he shoves a forkful of food into his mouth.

"Of course you were." Misty sighs and rolls her eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sirius questions, sounding a little offended.

"Nothing, just that it's no surprise that you'd jump at the first opportunity to get yourself killed. That's all." Misty replied, kind of snippy.

"Oh, quit being so dramatic Beary, I'll be fine. And it's not a guarantee that any of us will get picked. There are dozens of students here that will put their names in." Sirius says matter of factly. Misty rolls her eyes at Sirius' comment.

"Anyways, what do the rest of you think?" James asks the other three.

"I don't know, I'll have to think about it." Cyril replies.

"I'm down if you guys are." Peter replies.

"Alright." James acknowledges.

"What about you Remus?" Sirius asks.

"Uh...I guess I will."

"Great. Now we just got to convince Cyril and Misty to join us." Sirius smirks as he looks at Misty and Cyril.

"I am not going to put my name in the goblet. It ain't happening." Misty shakes her head.

"We'll see." James says. "We got a few weeks to convince you."

"I doubt it, but whatever." Misty mumbles as she rolls her eyes.

The group eats and chats about random topics. Once everyone is done eating, the hall starts to empty as students exit and head to their respective common rooms. The first years are following the Prefects for their house, so they don't get lost. The Marauders make their way to the Gryffindor common room. Sirius ended up chasing James because of something he said. Misty and Cyril say goodnight to the others and head to their common rooms. Cyril and Misty say goodnight to each other and go their separate ways.  

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