Chapter 2- The Carriage Ride

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Misty, Cyril, and Remus walk up to the others, Sirius notices them approaching and walks over to them. Peter also notices and his face lights up in the hopes of an interesting conversation, instead of watching James harass Lily, Peter then follows Sirius over to the others.

"Took you three long enough." Sirius says as he greets them.

"It's a little difficult to get here fast when you have to navigate through a sea of students crowding onto a small platform." Cyril replies a little annoyed.

"Chill, Little Mousey. I'm just teasing." Sirius chuckles as Cyril glares at him. Let's just say that if looks could kill Sirius would be dead, if not turned into a pile of ash. 'Mousey' is a nickname that the Marauders gave Cyril when they all became animagus'. Sirius likes to call him 'Little Mousey' to annoy him. He hates it, to say the least.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Puppers." Cyril snaps back. A smirk forms on his face when he sees that Sirius is now glaring at him. Death glare number two. Puppers is the nickname that Cyril gave Sirius in response to his 'Little Mousey'.

Peter, Misty, and Remus are chuckling as they watch the scene unfold. This type of banter is common when it comes to the Marauders, but there is the rare occasion where someone takes it too far and a fight breaks out. That leads to them being in detention. And yes, it happens at least five times a year.

"Anyways, how were your guys' summers?" Remus asked Peter and Sirius to change the subject before Sirius decided to say something that would most likely start a fight.

"It was okay. You know, the same old stuff." Peter replies in a tone that seems off but it's not that concerning considering the dude is the most boring one out of the four.

"Mine was good. Nothing too exciting happened." Sirius says in a tone that hints that there is more to the story, but he doesn't elaborate further.

"That's good." Remus responds.

"What about you three?" Sirius asks.

"Ours was okay, nothing too exciting happened either." Misty replied for both her and Cyril. Cyril nodded, confirming what Misty said was true.

"Mine was fine. Just the same old same old." Remus replies. Before he can say anything else James interrupts him by yelling at the group.

"You idiots coming or are you just gonna stand there all night?" He shouts as he is sitting in the carriage next to Lily, who has the most uncomfortable look on her face. The group makes their way to the carriage.

"Looks like Lily isn't going to say yes anytime soon." Remus says smugly and Cyril just rolls his eyes.

"We still have a whole year, anything could happen." Cyril reminds Remus and he nods in agreement. And when he says anything could happen, he quite literally means anything. The group of friends have done some pretty wild things in their past years at school, all of which ended them in detention for at least a month, despite Misty's best attempts to keep them out of detention.

The five get into the carriage and find their places. Misty sat across from James, and Lily to no one's surprise, quickly switched seats and before James could move to sit by her, Remus sat next to Lily. James pouts and crosses his arms, Remus smirking in response. Sirius laughs as he sits next to James, Peter sits next to Sirius, and Cyril sits next to Remus. Once everyone has settled into their seats, the carriage starts moving being pulled by Thestrals. Misty and Cyril can see Thestrals due to seeing a friend die when they were 7 years old.

After a few minutes of random side conversations, and yes, the girls are gossiping, Sirius looks at Misty and realizes something.

"Hey, Misty?"

"Yeah, Sirius?"

"Did you get a haircut? Your hair looks different." Sirius inquires. James and Peter both look at Misty confused; they also didn't notice till now because they are slow. Their eyes slowly widen, and their jaws drop when they realize that Misty did in fact get a haircut. The others just laugh at the two's reaction.

"I did. Do you like it?" Misty replies with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"I do. I think it suits you." Sirius replies with a genuine smile.

"Thank you." Misty blush becomes slightly more noticeable, but she quickly recovers. Not before a few people notice Cyril, who will most definitely tease her about this later because that's what siblings are for, and Sirius, who is the reason for the blush. Misty might have a small crush on him, and by small, I mean a big 5 yearlong crush.

"You're welcome."

"You got a haircut?!" Peter exclaims and sends everyone into a laughing fit, because yes, he is that freaking slow.

"Yes, she did. We just covered that. Where were you? Daydreaming?" Sirius teases Peter.

"No... Just- Just leave me alone." Peter glares at him, pouts, and then turns away from the group.

"Aw, come on Peter. I was just teasing." Sirius says in between laughs as he nudges Peter.

"Whatever." Peter grumbles.

"So, do you guys think anything exciting will happen this year?" Lily asks to change the subject.

"Nah, I don't think so. Besides our pranks of course." James says as he and Sirius both smirks. Lily and Misty both groan.

"What? They're going to be harmless. You know, nothing different from the usual." James says defensively.

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of." Misty groans.

"It won't be that bad. You'll be fine." Sirius says trying to reassure Misty, not doing a good job though. Misty just sighs and shakes her head.

The carriage pulls up to the castle and stops in front of the doors. Everyone exits the carriage, and it pulls away. The group makes their way into the castle and towards the great hall. Lily is the first to enter the great hall and she quickly sits down at the Gryffindor table next to Mary and Marlene. James, Sirius, and Peter enter next, they find seats close to where Lily sat. Remus, Cyril, and Misty are the last of the group to enter the Great Hall. Remus goes over and sits next to the other three Marauders. Cyril goes and sits next to his friends at the Hufflepuff table. Misty goes and sits next to her friends Emmeline, Lucy, and Cora. Everyone is chatting and waiting as the other students come in and take their seats at their respective tables.

Authors note-

1,103 words. I wish writing essays for school was as easy as writing this, but sadly it is not. 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Things will get a little more interesting in the next chapter.  Thanks for reading. 

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