Before We Begin

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This is the first fanfic I'm writing so if it's bad I'm sorry, I tried. Thanks for reading it, I hope you enjoy it. Also, all the pictures I use for the chapters are not mine. I got them from Pinterest. 

I've made a playlist for this fanfic:

The title of the Playlist is Broken Hearts and Broken Trust on Spotify, the same as the title of the fanfic. 

This story will mainly follow Misty. There will be chapters that follow other characters like Cyril, Remus, Sirius, James, and maybe some others. 

Meet the two main characters, Misty and Cyril Scamander, the twins. They are the OCs that I have created for this story, so I thought that I would introduce them to you (especially since this story takes place during their sixth year). Also, enjoy my little comments :) 

I will come back and edit these if I need to add something that I most likely forgot because I do that a lot...

Misty Scamander- 

Misty is 16 years old and a Ravenclaw. She is the younger twin, by 2 minutes. She is very introverted and has social anxiety, she was adopted by the Marauders basically because we all know she would not have chosen that friend group on her own—too much chaos for her, literally. She is very smart, her house should give that away, and she loves to read, specifically about magical creatures and magical artifacts. She knows a lot about the dark arts. She is an animagus, a black bear which is also her Patronus. She is also really good at hexes, jinxes, charms, potions, transfiguration, and just about every subject. She is not that good at divination, but she's working on it. She is good at herbology, as long as she doesn't have to take care of any plants because she will forget about them and then they die. 

She is very understanding, compassionate, caring, selfless, funny, responsible, quiet, responsible, problem solver, and genuine. On the other hand, she is stubborn, sarcastic, closed off, and has very little patience- which makes no sense considering she is friends with the Marauders but oh well, can't take a compliment, has an RSF- resting sad face, gets annoyed easily, and can get very emotional and overwhelmed. She tends to hide her emotions from others so they don't worry about her.

Likes and dislikes-

Likes- Magical creatures, Magical artifacts, the Dark Arts, night strolls, reading, drawing, writing, cooking, baking, staying up late, sunsets and sunrises, lists, hoodies, nature, rain, mini things, coming up with pranks (she doesn't show the Marauders these for obvious reasons), fall and spring, the dark, sour food, music

Dislikes- Physical touch, loud noises, bright lights, heights, being the center of attention, spiders (deathly afraid of them), high heels, spicy food

Cyril Scamander- 

Cyril is also 16 years old, he is the older twin and yes, he does tease Misty about it every chance he gets. Unlike Misty, Cyril is extroverted and very social, he is the reason he and Misty are friends with the Marauders. He sometimes participates in the pranks that the Marauders do, but mostly tries to help Misty keep them out of trouble. He is very protective of Misy and will hurt anyone who hurts her, even if it will get him in trouble. He is also an animagus, he is a field mouse because that's also his Patronus. He is good at potions, charms, divination, defense against the dark arts, herbology, care for magical creatures, and transfiguration. He is working on hexes and jinxes with help from Misty. He wears his heart on his sleeve and has a heart of gold. Another little bit of information, Cyril is gay. 

He is kind and caring, but he can be protective and mean when he needs to be (especially when it concerns Misty). He is understanding, empathetic (basically an empath), selfless, energetic, a prankster, responsible, loud, and an open book. He is also stubborn, sarcastic (not as bad as Misty tho), clumsy, can't hide his emotions, and has a short temper. 

Likes and dislikes-

Likes: Pranks, magical creatures, nature, cooking, baking, reading, painting, walks, swimming, flying, nature, sunshine, sunrise and sunset, waking up early, running, summer and winter, music, riding bikes, parties

Dislikes- being alone, the dark, spicy food, sour food, small spaces

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