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this chapter's trigger warnings: vomit, slurs, bullying, mentions of abuse

Pov: Travis

I wasn't sure when I became obsessed with Sal Fisher. I just knew that I had to have him. I had transferred into all of his classes. I knew his whole schedule. Where he lived, everything about him, He was, in my eyes, god himself. 

It was a Monday morning. I limped into school almost an hour early. I did this to avoid my father, who had beaten me the night before for not praying properly. But who could when sal was all they could think about? I loved the way his eyes scrunched up to show he was smiling. the way his pigtails bobbed when he laughed. For weeks now I had been watching him. Reading him. I started leaving small love notes in his locker just to see him smile at them. The only problem was Ashley Campbell. Why was she so close to him? Why did she touch his arm that way? Were they dating? God, I hated her! But I could just get rid of her. That's when he came in. He and his friends. They saw me and glared. Well everyone except him. He was so adorable. 

"what the fuck are you staring at!?" I heard someone say. 

I had been paying so much attention to Sal that I hadn't realized they were close now. And larry johnson was pissed, and probably high. Even though it was 7 in the morning I could smell weed on him. 

"just a bunch of faggots" I snapped back.

"What did you say to me? I'll beat your little twink ass into a pulp"  

I wasn't even that short! skinny and no muscle mass maybe but not short. I was around 6 feet already. larry was only like three inches taller than me. 

"oh fuck off stoner whore" I replied,  

"guys knock it off!" Sal said.

larry simply scoffed and shoved me with his shoulder as he headed to his locker. I rolled my eyes and went back to opening my locker. Sal's was only two down from mine. I opened mine and a whole dead bird fell out. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from vomiting, it was half decomposed and there were flys and maggots all over it. I backed away. I knew exactly who it was. the boys on my football team. I had gotten into several fights with them, they accused me of being a faggot and bashed my head against the gym lockers once. They left little notes and such in my locker but not a whole dead fucking animals

"oh my god! what the fuck is that!" I heard Sal exclaim 

At that point, I ran to the bathroom, vomiting. I heard sals boots walk in quickly after me.

"Travis, are you okay?" 

I couldn't respond. I was trembling. Why did my dad make me join that stupid team?

"look Travis I'm here if you need to talk. I won't judge you."

I felt myself falling even more in love. how could a human being possibly be so perfect?

I heard him walk away before I could say anything. Which was probably a good thing, I might have said something that I regretted. 

It was already halfway through the day when I woke up. I had fallen asleep in the grimy disgusting bathroom on the floor. I had been awoken by the smell of weed and the sound of laughing. 

Suddenly the door of the stall I was in swung open. 

"oh look its travy."

it was Phillip. I felt relieved. 

"hi Phil"

Phillip Volker was my best friend. He moved here from Russia when we were younger. He was the only person who tolerated me. 

"what are you doing in the bathroom?" he looked puzzled

"I fell asleep," I said

"Thinking about Sally I bet" 

I felt my face heat up. I kinda was. I dreamt about him too. He was... I think I've already mentioned it. suddenly he was grabbed around the waist. Larry. 

"what's going on love.."  he trailed off

"what's going on," I asked

Phil looked between us and gave a small skittish smile while Johnson and I kept eye contact. Quickly to break the tension Phil spoke up

"Hey, you guys have something in common. You both like people with blue hair" 

I prayed Larry wouldn't understand what Phil meant. Phil knew I was smart. They were dating. Standing I shove past them heading to the door of the bathroom. 

"Travis wait!" he shouted after me.

I ignored him. I hated Larry. He was one of the people who helped in tormenting me. How could Phillip do this to me!? I thought we were friends. I bumped into someone. By this point, tears were running down my face. I looked down to see a familiar face, er, mask? I don't know what to call it.

"ugh- oh sorry-" he said before looking up to see who it was. "Oh Travis, uh are you okay?"

truth was I wasn't. I felt betrayed. Well, I dunno. I had a lot of emotions running through me at the moment.

"I'm fine Sal" I responded

he looked surprised at me calling him Sal. I hardly ever was nice to anyone. let alone him. he stared for a moment before nodding and grabbing his fallen stuff. He quickly walked off and I watched him go. My god, he was perfect. I felt myself following him. I knew we had our next class together so it wasn't too suspicious. I saw him walk around the corner so I followed him peaking my head around just to be faced by him. 

"why are you following me" he looked serious. 

"I uhm we have our next class together-" I panicked and stuttered out a response. 

he just walked away again and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I was almost caught, and by him out of all people. 

I'll just have to be more careful next time.

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