Kisses and hugs

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Tw's: Internalized homophobia, murder mentions

Pov's: Sal's Travis's Phil's 

(Pov: Sal)

I had been waiting for Travis at the door to the apartment building. Luna had called him back over for a moment and when he ran over we made our way up to my apartment on the fourth floor. 

We were only there for twenty minutes before someone banged on the door. We were lying on the couch,  me on top of Travis, my head resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around me on my upper back. 

"Who is it?" I spoke out. 

"Nockfell police department open up please!" I heard an older man shout. 

Travis looked spooked as I got up to open the door. Sure enough, an officer was standing at the door. 

"What do you need?" I asked, 

"Is Travis Phelps here?" He asked

"Uhm yes? Is there a problem?" 

"his father sent us to collect him."

I knew I messed up. Travis got up and walked to the door. 

"Sorry sir my phone died and I forgot to tell my father I was with my friends." He said. 

And with that, he was being led out of the house. 

(Time skip)

I hadn't gotten much sleep. I was too worried about Travis his father was an awful person and who knows what he would do if he found out Travis had been hanging out with me all night. He might have killed him.

I walked to school silently with Larry. 

When we got there I didn't see Travis which spiked my concern. 

maybe he was already in class.

(Pov: Travis)

I hadn't been beaten, which was lucky. I was later getting to school than I normally was because I had fallen asleep only two hours before I usually left. I could only think about Sal. I needed to make him mine and soon before some bitch could take him away from me. I had been up all night thinking about how exactly I would do it. 

I still had not decided what I was going to do. 

I spotted Sal at his locker. I sped my walking up a bit and when I got to him I touched his shoulder. He jumped but looked at me. He smiled. 

"Sal I have something to tell you," I said. 

"uhm okay"

I grabbed his hand and led him to the nearest bathroom. Opening a stall and leading him in I stared at him momentarily. 

"Trav what is it?" He looked confused and his bright blue eyes stared up at me. 

"Can you take your mask off? I wanna... I wanna see your face when I tell you this." I spoke softly. I was unsure if this would make him uncomfortable so I tried to put it as softly as possible. 

He slowly reached up to his mask and unbuckled it. Once it was off I began to speak again.

"I like you. Really like you, I know I've done some awful things but I've tried to make up for it... I-"

Before I could continue my sentence he kissed me. He gently pulled away.

"I love you too dumbass" He laughed a bit. 

He smiled. And for a moment, I just scanned his scars, half-missing nose, and cleft lip. I didn't care what he looked like. I mean, I thought he was beautiful either way, mask or mask off. 

I slowly raised my hand up and gently touched the side of his face, he pulled away for a split second before leaning into my touch. Then I remembered what I did. I killed his best friend. And it would come out that it was me eventually. I kissed him again, and this time the kiss lasted longer. But I pulled away.

"This is wrong. I gotta go." 

I unlocked the stall door and ran out of the bathroom. 

I was halfway to the art room when I bumped into Phil. He was all alone. No Larry around and I just broke down crying in front of him. 

(Phil's Pov:)

I was heading to class, but Larry had stayed home "sick" today but it probably was just him being too high to come to school.  I felt someone shove into my back and when I whipped around to see who was about to fight with me I saw Travis. The moment he saw me he started full-on sobbing. 

"whoa dude what's wrong?"

"I can't do it. I fucking love him.. but...but" He stopped mid-sentence

And suddenly I knew. He killed those girls.

"You did it... Didn't you" 

He didn't respond

"You killed them"

"Phil.. I.. I'm so sorry" 

He crumpled to the floor. I just stared down at him. How was I supposed to feel? My best goddamn friend and he was a fucking murderer. 

"Trav!" Sal ran over "You can't just fucking confess and then run aw... What's wrong?" 

I turned my head away I didn't  want to see travis like this. I didn't want to see him at all. Maybe if I blocked it all outit would go away. I would wake it up in my bed two weeks ago and realize that none of this ever happened.

Fuck this stupid life.

(Sal's Pov)

Travis had just run out of the bathroom. Did I do something wrong? 

No, he was homophobic up until like a week ago. Maybe it was just internalized homophobia

I clipped my prosthetic as best I could with how shakey my hands were. I ran after him. It took me a minute before I caught up. Damn this kid was fast. i saw him on the floor in front of Phillip. 

"trav!" I shouted down the hallway at him, before running over. "You can't just fucking confess and then run aw... What's wrong?"

I knelt besides him. gently grabbing his shaking shoulders. "Trav, It's okay I'm here baby" 

I glanced up at phil. He looked.....Disgusted, and scared. 

"Phil what the hell happened"

It sounded more like a statement then a question. 

"He's a fucking murderer that's what happened." 

"He's a wha-"

"I had to Phil.. You wouldn't get it." Trav intureppted me

"I get it. You're greedy. You know how I felt about this. You know this is what my dad did to my mom, He ruined our fucking lives! and here you are doing the same thing to Sal!" Phil yelled

"It's not the same! its... It's different..." he yelled at  first but by the end of his sentence it was almost a whisper

"Can someone fucking explain" I inturuptedd their bickering

"He killed Ashley Campbell" Phil answered

"What..?" I let go of his shoulders "You what"

"Sal.. Sal please I.." Travis said


He started crying more 

"I don't know! I don't know okay!?"

"I know why. Cause you love sal too much to lose him and your so fucked in the head that you thought it was good idea to kill someone." Phil spoke for travis

I was so overwhelmed by what was going on I just stared down at the floor

"Please sal. I can't lose both you and phil"

I didn't know what to do, I loved travis but I didn't know if I was going to after processing this. I was in shock and if I got with him who knows what he would do if I tried to break up with him after telling I loved him. Would he kill me too?

what else are you hiding travis?

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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