love and lust

52 0 5

Tw: abuse mentions+ abuse, eating disorder, slurs

Pov's: Sal, Travis, Phil

this chapter is mainly just fluff and Sal getting to know Travis better. 

Sal's POV:

I woke up to my alarm and rustling on the other side of the room. I smacked my alarm off and sat up, feeling for Travis. He was gone. 

"Travis?" I asked into the darkness of my room. 

"oh shit," I heard a thud "Sorry did I wake you?"

"No, my alarm did. What are you doing?" I started getting up when the light flickered on. Travis was by the light switch. I remembered to take my prosthetic off last night and I guess he saw my face cause the lights went off again.

"Sorry," I heard him say. 

"No, it's fine," I said.

"Uh you wanna put that mask on before I turn the lights on again?" he asked. 

"oh yeah" I replied 

I clipped it on and moved my pigtails out of the straps. 

"you can turn the lights back on now," I said once I was done

The lights flickered on once more and he stepped away from the light switch. 

He looked awkward. Like he wasn't sure what he was meant to do with himself. He stood there fiddling with his hair.

"uhm are you hungry?" I asked.

He nodded.

he wasn't much of a talker. Well, maybe it was me. I saw him talk a bit with Phil. He moved closer to the bed and waited for me to lead him out of my room. I did. I got a box of cereal out and two bowls. Once I had made it up, which didn't take long, I handed a bowl to him and leaned against the counter, lifting my prosthetic a bit. He stared at it before taking a small bite. I smiled which I guess he saw cause he smiled back.  He looked pretty smiling. 

Travis pov:

Sal was leaning against a counter eating. I didn't like eating. My father said eating too much makes you ugly and fat. That you should only eat a little bit a day. I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

"Trav are you okay? I've been saying your name" Sal looked worried

"Mhm," I muttered.

"uhm we gotta get going to school." 

I nodded and he led me to the door. He slipped his shoes on and grabbed his backpack which was slumped on the floor. 

He headed out the door and to the elevator we had ridden up the previous day. we stepped in and Phil and Larry were in the elevator. Larry gave me a nasty look, so I stood on the opposite side. Sal, seeing that I was uncomfortable, stepped in the middle next to Phil. I was focused on the buttons now but I heard Phil and Sal whispering about something, and after a minute of walking, I looked over to see them both giving me worried glances. I took a deep breath to try not to snap at them, I hated people pitying me.

I looked at the ground and watched every sidewalk crack we went by.  

"Travis?" Sal touched my hand.

I looked at our hands. Would it be weird if I grabbed his hand? I wanted to. But what if someone from my church saw? Suddenly I felt our fingers intertwine. He squeezed my hand gently and very softly whispered.

"it's going to be okay. Me and Phil are gonna get you outta there"

He said out of, like out-a like he had a small accent. I nodded and squeezed back. He smiled. God how much I loved his smile. I looked around seeing that Larry and Phil were a few blocks ahead of us. 

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