XOXO Bitch

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TW: abuse, stalking, murder and gore

Pov's: travis+sal

Travis's POV:

today was uneventful, I mean besides getting stabbed in the back by my best friend and almost getting caught stalking my idol. 

I was now walking home from school. Larry, Sal, and I walked in the same direction for most of the walk. Today Larry was being disgustingly lovey with Phillip who was going home with Larry. Sal seemed to be the third wheel. I wasn't paying much attention to Phil and Larry but staring at Sal—every single inch of him. I turned onto my street to head home. 

Once I entered the front door I felt blood in my mouth. Before I could even grasp the situation I was being beaten by my father. He smelled heavily of alcohol. He was always drunk. Or just mad for no reason. I tried to move away but he gripped my ankle. His fists kept coming down on my face. In an attempt not to be beaten to death, I threw my hands up to protect myself. That's when he stopped.

"you are so fucking pathetic." he nearly growled at me.

I crawled away, managing to stand and go to my room. I felt angry. really fucking angry. All I could think about was...Ashley Campbell. I don't know why but I imagined every possible, brutal way, to kill her. That is how I made up my mind. I was going to kill her. Get her out of my way. I needed Sal. I would do anything for him. Change anything about myself for him. I wanted him to love me with every fiber of his being. He needed to be mine. Until the very end of time. Until the world itself exploded. I couldn't take it anymore I needed to get rid of her entirely.  I snuck out of my bedroom window, I knew Ashley had study club that day, so I went to wait outside the school. Ignoring the pain in my legs and the rest of my body I made my way to the school again. 

I stood outside for maybe 5 minutes before she came out of the building. I grabbed her arm. 

"hey uh, can I talk to you?" I asked

she glared before sighing and nodding. I lead her to the lake. I had been planning this for months. 

"What did you need" She asked. 

well, I didn't even think this far. Shit. I had to think fast. 

"I wanted to uh show you something"

I pointed to a bird's nest and she turned to see it. I pulled my pocket knife out, and in one swift motion plunged it into her back.

she let out a small shriek attempting to turn and probably fight me off, but I stopped her. I proceeded to pull my knife out of her back and stab her again. Over and over I plunged that knife into her back. Once she was motionless I went over to a tree, and in the hole was my bag, the one I had hidden weeks ago waiting for the day this happened. I pulled out a saw, went back over to Ashley's motionless body, and began removing her hands and feet from her body. I was going to dispose of them separately from the body. After setting them aside I hear her phone buzzing. Shit, I forgot that she had a phone. grabbing it I saw a message from Sal, her mother, and another name I didn't recognize. I stared at Sal's message briefly before returning to the body, tossing the phone to the side. I was going to recreate my favorite crime. The black dahlia. for months I had been studying how to drain a body of blood—walking back over to my backpack. I removed the thin flexible tube and several bags to fill with the blood. I kneeled by her body once more and began the process of draining her blood. 

after about maybe an hour, I was done draining her body of all of its blood. I wasn't going to remove her clothes, I was respectful enough to at least give her the respect of being clothed when she was found. I began cutting her body in half in the clean fashion that Elizabeth Short was cut. This was a more difficult process than I thought it was going to be. 

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