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Tw's: suicide mentions, religious trauma, abuse. 

Disclaimer: I have nothing against the Mormon community. I was raised Mormon but for the context and continuation of this story, the characters will be making some discriminatory comments about Mormons and the Christian communities. Unfortunately, this story is not for you if that makes you uncomfortable. You may skip this chapter or stop reading it altogether. But please do not come after me about the comments made in this story. It is a fictional story. I also do not encourage people to make these comments; I look down upon it. Please do not go after any of the religious communities that may be targeted in this story. Otherwise, enjoy. 

Pov's: Travis

I had lived so to say with this group of people when I was younger. Whenever my dad got drunk and kicked me out I sought refugee here.

Mama Void was the oldest. Her real name was Lindsy. She was from Georgia and raised in the Mormon cult.  She called it that because of her experience. She had a really hard time leaving the church. She had to run away to get away from it.

I wish I could do that.

She cooked and helped sew ripped clothes. She was the only mother figure I ever had. 

Well, I had a mother. We were close. I loved her a lot. But she committed suicide when I was 9. Or so I was told. I knew my father had something to do with it. He was an angry, hate-filled, ugly-spirited man. He would commit a crime if it helped him in some way. My mother started to question the church. Then one day she's missing? the declared dead by suicide? Does that not seem strange? damn, that's a sob story. Maybe I should focus on what was going on at the moment

Simon was a kid who lived at this camp. He had always been an asshole. Trying to act tough. New's flash, he was a skinny, all bark no bite little whimpy bitch. And I was beating his ass. 

Who gave him the right to call me a psycho? ME?! I WASN'T A PSYCHO! 

I wanted to kill him. 

I wanted to slit his through ear to ear and watch him die.

I wanted to watch the life drain from his eyes. 

I had hit him multiple times His face was bruised and beaten. 

I was being pulled off and there was shouting. Simon was also being dragged off. Mama Void sat me down and went to help with Simon. Sal sat in front of me. 

"Travis, dude," He said 

He gently held my hands and had me take deep breaths.

"Just ignore him he's not worth the reaction," He said

I slowly calmed down.  I smiled at him. He was super sweet even though I bullied him. I don't regret many things in my life but that was one of the things I did.

"Why don't we go?" Sal asked

I nodded and he led me out of the camp. 

"uhm can you call Luna or Mark?" he asked again

I forgot that they were our only way home at the moment. We were probably around an hour out of town. I wasn't sure, it had been a while since I visited the camp. I grabbed my phone from my pocket. it was dead.

"shit man my phone is dead" 

I heard him groan in disappointment. He looked around. I tried to see if fit would turn on, maybe it had just enough to call someone. It didn't. I didn't feel like walking but at this rate, we might have to. Luna had disappeared somewhere with her friends and Mark had gone home to his boyfriend or with some other person. He and his partner were interesting people. I heard talking and shouting. People were laughing. I knew no one here had a car besides Luna and a few others. But I didn't know most of them. I didn't like getting to know them. What was the point? People change. They grow. I didn't want to be behind on what people liked. I didn't want to be like my father. He hasn't known me since I was nine. If you asked him what my favorite color was he would say blue. If you asked him what my favorite book was he'd say something like corduroy. It's like we are on separate islands entirely. 

Sal tapped my shoulder and pointed. 

Luna was standing by the wall of smokers and laughing about something. I took a sigh of relief and made my way over to her. Sal was right behind me. Thank goodness she showed up. I would have hated walking home. It'd take forever. 

"Luna we wanna go" I said.

She looked concerned for a moment but then that turned into a grin. 

"a'ight love birds come on let's go" 

she said "alright" like "ig-t" Sometimes her accent bothered me but not in this case. 

She led us back to her van and we all piled in. 

"where we headin'," she asked as she got the van started. 

"The Addison apartments" Sal replied

I wasn't sure if that was a good idea but I guess I couldn't hurt getting away from my dad a little longer. 

We sat in silence for the ride back, Luna was blasting music and paying attention to the road and Sal was holding my hand while staring out the window. the sun was slowly setting and the trees lining the road made it seem like a painting. 

slowly we made it back into the town. I saw Sal occasionally glance at me. 

"so.." Luna finally spoke "Are you two dating?"

"Luna I'm not gay," I responded. 

"I don't like Travis in that way we are just friends," Sal said

"Didn't you guys make out in the back like two hours ago?" she asked

"We were drunk" I quickly snapped at her

We were silent again. 

We returned to the Addison apartments and Sal and I hopped out. sal started walking in but Luna called me over.

"Listen, Travis, I know you're in denial and shit but you clearly like him. And I know what you did to those two girls. I've been in the same position. But if you don't want to lose him tell him. Or at least stop denying that you're gay." She said. "now go" 

She sped off and left me on the curb.

"come on trav" Sal yelled from the doors

I quickly followed him

maybe she was right

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