CH.9:L'accord Finale💔

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The light blinded Medkit for a split second as his pupil dilated. He squinted to adjust to it. His legs were spread with his feet close together as his ankles were still cuffed. The dip between his heeled dress shoes pressed against the table in front of him. He had a strained and agitated look on his face. Ban Hammer now had some bandages, one on his cheek, another on his chin, and some on his hands. And instead of a cloth, Medkit now had a muzzle.

Guess without his gun, his hands, or his feet, biting was his only option

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Guess without his gun, his hands, or his feet, biting was his only option. He spilled blood. The fabric didn’t stop him. And when he took it off, he got a few good bites in on Ban’s hands. But when Ban was finished fixing up his hands with bandages, he looked at Medkit. They were in an interrogation room. It was practically just dark with one light; a hanging light above their heads, swinging gently and disorienting the room’s one source of light

“So…you feel like not biting next time I try to take it off?” Medkit growled, scooting himself back into his seat. Ban Hammer sighed. “Just fess up. Are you actually a part of True Eye? It’s not hard to believe. But you already have an eye out. And it IS the wrong eye.” Medkit turned his head away. Not only could he not answer, but he refused to. “...why did you choose them to protect you from me?” Ban Hammer reaches behind Medkit’s head, loosening the muzzle on his head enough so he could talk, but not bite. “Talk, deer.”

“It’s not just from you.”

“What do you mean?”

“There are people out for my head other than you.”

“Like who?”

“Why should I tell you, warden?”

“Fair point. But you’re in MY territory. Not your apartment. Not Lost Temple. You’re in Banlands.” Medkit scoffed, trying to shake the muzzle off. “And as far as I’m concerned, even if you’re my friend--”

“WE’RE NOT FRIENDS!!” Medkit raised his voice at him, the muzzle growing loose as he bore the small fangs at the sides of his mouth. His gem began sizzling and twitching angrily. His face pugnacious towards Ban Hammer.

“...I know. But maybe I can change that…again. Do you trust me?”

“Does a gazelle trust a cheetah sprinting for it…hot, hungry, and rabid in the scorching deserts?” Ban Hammer hesitated with his next thoughts before sighing.

“How about I drop all your charges…if you do some…y'know, labor.”

“Are you…planning to turn me into your slave?!”

“Slave is the wrong word. I’d say…a worker. In Banlands.”

“...What are you on about…?”

“If I drop your charges, will you leave Lost Temple and come work for me?”

“…want me to do two things for your one thing?”

“Well, how about this- what if I also protect you from Lost Temple AND Blackrock? They’ll both be after your head when you leave.”

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