Chapter 43

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Duke then comes knocking at my apartment door so violently. It's late at night and my mom is sleeping. I peep through the hole to make sure it isn't anyone I wasn't expecting. I then open the door. Duke was covered in blood. What the fuck happened? He is coming in here and looking like he murdered somebody. What the fuck did he do?

"Bae why he fuck are you covered in blood for?"

He looked so angry and scared at the same time, I cannot describe the expression on his face right now, it's looking so horrifying. He then storms into the apartment.

"I fucking asked you a question"

Duke: Can you give me time to process my thoughts real quick?

"What did you fucking do?"

Duke: Me and the boys went to Josh's crib and beat him up.

"Now why in the hell would you do that?"

Duke: Because he fucked my girl and I'm not going to have him in this wedding looking at you like some kinda hoe

"What the fuck Duke?"

Duke: What? Y'all did that to my ex so I did the same thing with yours.

"Is he gonna be okay?"

Duke: Well, we'll see.

"What the fuck do you mean, we'll see"

I then stood up to go to my room because I can't put up with this bullshit no more. I have just realised our relationship is beginning to look toxic and guess what that is my fault. Well, no it's Josh's fault for wanting to come back into my life and be friends with me when he was the one who broke up with me because of his "mental health" issues. But we move. I think it's best if I just don't speak with the nigga. He is getting too much to the point where he'll do anything to fuck me when he knows him and Karrah are technically in a relationship.

Duke: Destinee...

"What the fuck do you want?"

Duke: Ain't you gon clean this blood off of me?

"Did God give you one hand or something? Get the fuck up and do it your damn self"

I still think this nigga is hiding something from me. And we getting married so soon and I can't do this anymore. I then get a phone call from Karrah. Oh fucking shit. We are done. Well, not me, this nigga is done but he is going to ruin one of my best friendships.

I picked up the phone and hear Karrah screaming and crying.

"Girl what happened?"

Karrah: Josh is on the floor unconsious, I called the ambulance and now he's getting taken to the hospital. I'm going with him please come I need you here.

" Alright baby, I'll be there don't worry. Calm down, he's going to be okay"

I then end the call and look at Duke.

"You are so fucking wrong for this, I thought we fixed this fucking shit"

Duke: Well, how is it fair for you to do something about my fucking ex when I can't do something about it too.

"Because we beat the bitch up in the moment, a few weeks after, you went to Josh's crib with the other members and fucked him up after a few weeks Duke. Seriously? Get a fucking grip"

Then Duke stands up and walks in the kitchen to get a town and clean his wounds.

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