Chapter 94

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Why did Davis have to mention that? We're not ready to split up and we don't want to at all. We've been together for years. Why the fuck would he mention that?

"Wowowow, Davis, why did you have to mention that?"

Davis: Y'all this house, is ready for a new owner. I'm ready to give this house up.

"But can't we get another one?"

Davis: We don't have the money for it and also we won't split up. We just need to live differently from now on

Agent: So are you telling me you're selling the house without telling us?

Davis: I've not selled it just yet but we should. And we also need to just make sure we've got our lives together.

"I agree with Davis, don't shoot me"

Duke: Destinee...

"Don't Destinee me when you started this conversation"

Ammi: I agree too. Y'all some of us got kids. And we've got to move forward from all of this.

"We won't be quitting Youtube and shit. We'll still be shooting but I think we just need to focus on our own paths"

Fanum: I agree.

Agent: So, are we selling the house?

"I guess we are. Wait, have y'all got your own cribs?"

Kai: Me and Skye just brought one recently.

"Me and Duke gon live in South Carolina with his parents and his family"

Davis: What happened to his crib?

"We'll figure it out. It's still an option but we've gotta figure it out"

Duke: We'll talk later.


Agent: Me and Callie is going back to Canada.

Callie: What? Agent...

Agent: We'll talk later.

Callie: No we could talk about this now.

Agent: Callie. Later.

Chris: Me and Bebs are going to go back to Maryland in our home there and plus it's not that much of a drive for the shoots and meet-ups and shit so we'll be fine.

Davis: And me and Miracls can live in my apartment in Atlanta.

"What in the city?"

Miracle: Yeah.

"Oh good for y'all good luck with the noise and shit but all of us will be cool and no AMP ain't ending. We've just gotta focus on ourselves"

Duke: We'll call each other everyday.

Fanum: Exactly, this ain't the end of us.

"This is the new beginning"

Ammi: Exactly but let's just stay here for a couple of months and just move out next year.

Davis: That sounds like a plan. So New Years Say is going to be bittersweet for us. But y'all start packing before but just slowly and steadily before we actually all move out.

"And start moving stuff to your places bit by bit, so that it'll avoid y'all carrying a lot of shit"

Davis: So it's final. We all leaving this house.

"It's bittersweet but we've got this. All of us and I'm so proud of all of us and Davis, Chris, Kai and  Fanum, I'm waiting for y'all to secure a ring"

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