Siblings United

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It had been a few days since Hydie last saw her brother. There was a part of her that was relieved that he was finally free, but another part of her that was worried about his reaction to leaving him behind. They were both evil, but at the end of the day they were still family.

Hydie managed to find where Sledge's ship was on earth. She was surprised to find out it wasn't too far away from where she landed hers. She had decided to pay her brother a surprise visit and hoped he wasn't too mad for her abandoning him centuries ago.

Hydie got onto the ship with no problem, but wasn't sure where her brother would be. She was never on the ship before and because it was bigger than her own she didn't know where to start looking. Hydie decided to search for her brother the old fashioned way and walked around the ship.

Hydie had looked through lots of halls and on different floors before finding where the main room was. She walked and groaned when she saw Snide and not her brother.
"Oh great, it's you." Hydie said, which made Snide turn towards her. The others in the room where surprised that someone they never saw found their way to them.
"Don't talk to him like that. " Wrench said about Snide.
"He shares a body with my brother, I can talk to him however I like." Hydie said to Wrench, only having looked at him for a moment before she looked back at Snide.
"What are you doing here?" Snide asked Hydie with annoyance in his voice.
"Well, I was in the galaxy and decided to land for supplies..." Hydie honestly said "...found out the energems are in Amber Beach and saw Heckyl was free." She added. "That's pretty much it." Hydie shrugged and leaned against the wall. Snide looked like he was about to say something before he transformed into Heckyl. "Finally ugly is gone." Hydie said, referring to Snide. "Nice to see you baby brother." Hydie said to Heckyl.
"Everyone leave us." Heckyl said to the crew that was in the room. "Now!" He added in a louder voice when no one moved. The crew hurried out of the room, leaving Hydie and Heckyl by themselves.

When the two siblings were finally alone, Heckyl looked at his sister.
"You left me locked in a cell for centuries." Heckyl said to Hydie, even though she was aware of how long it's been.
"Yeah...well..." Hydie started "...I didn't want to get locked up for breaking your ass out, so I let you be." Hydie said with a shrug.
"You ran..." He pointed out to his sister.
"No. I never run." Hydie said in her defense. "Okay, fine...I do run, but I didn't that time." Hydie looked at her brother. "I was saving myself and look where it got me. I'm even more feared than Sledge and I have some pretty powerful allies." She didn't tell her brother who her allies were, but knew with the energems around it would only be a matter of time before he found out. "And look at you, you now control Sledge's crew. Just imagine if you weren't here to take over."

Hydie sat on the chair Heckyl usually sat in. She put her legs over one of the arms of the chair and got comfortable in it.
"Why does Scorn want the energems for herself?" Heckyl asked Hydie.
"She only said that because we thought Sledge was still in charge." Hydie looked at her brother as she sat comfortably in the chair. "But knowing you're in charge, I'm sure she'd say different." Hydie said, even though she wasn't sure what Scorn would say. They would agree on most things, but there's some things that they didn't agree on.
"You know..." Heckyl started to say before he pushed Hydie's legs off the arm of the chair. She sighed and put them back over the arm "...we should team up. Dealing with both of us would give the rangers double the trouble." Hydie looked at her brother.
"How is it that after centuries apart, you can still read my mind?" Hydie asked her brother with a smile. They couldn't actually read each other's minds, but they would have the same ideas if they had a common foe. "Oh, this is going to be fun." She chuckled and was amused with the thought of the rangers having to deal with both her and Heckyl working together.
Author's note:
- Most of the plots of this story will be split into two chapters. They will be shorter, but I feel like I can focus on smaller chapters being better than really long ones. 
- The next chapter sets up a two part chapter that would come after. Even though at the time of posting this chapter, there are 7 chapters written for the story, I will still take any suggestions for the story people have and would love any feedback you have. 
- I am having lots of fun with re-writing Double Trouble and I hope you are having fun reading it. 

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