Just Another Day

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The rangers were in the town square. They were fighting a monster Hydie let loose on the town as well as Scorn. Scorn had gotten bored and wanted to fight the rangers despite Hydie's protesting.

Scorn blocked an attack from the pink ranger Shelby.
"Is that all you got pinky?" Scorn asked before she pushed Shelby away. Scorn stood and silently tried to provoke Shelby into attacking.
"I'll show you what I got." Shelby said and held her blaster up. "Dino morpher blast!" She shot at Scorn, who deflected the blast back at Shelby. Shelby flew back and knocked over Ivan. "Sorry Ivan." She said to him as Scorn chuckled.
"No worries my lady." Ivan said as they both got up. "Scorn is one formidable foe." Shelby nodded as they both faced Scorn.
"Do you think the two of you can take me?" Scorn challenged the two rangers.

Shelby was about to answer when the monster the others had been fighting grew giant.
"Another time rangers." Scorn said and teleported away. She could have kept fighting, but knew there would be other chances.


Scorn teleported onto Heckyl's ship. She stomped her way to the main room where Heckyl was. He was sitting on the chair, ordering the Vivix around and watching the zord fight.
"Stay out of my fights." Scorn said and pushed Heckyl off the chair. He almost fell on his face, but managed to balance himself before he would have fallen. "I was enjoying beating up the Pink ranger."
"You were wasting your energy." Heckyl said to Scorn as he made sure his clothes looked good. "It would have been a matter of time before you transformed and the rangers don't need to know who we really are." He pointed out to Scorn.
"You're finally listening to Hydie...." Scorn said "...about time." she paused. "Still, stay out of my fights.....or else."
"Or else what?" Scorn pointed her sword at Heckyl before the tattoo started to glow.
"...no..." she groaned and fought against transforming back, but Scorn transformed back into Hydie.

Hydie sighed and stood straighter before she looked at her brother.
"Nice face." Hydie heard Fury say. She frowned, knowing he meant the bruise on her face. It was from the slap Fury had given her during the fake kidnapping. Hydie raised her hand. It glowed purple before she shot an energy blast at Fury, which knocked him down.
"Now now...behave you two." Heckyl said to them. Fury got up and took a step towards Hydie. "Save the fighting for the rangers." Hydie looked at her brother.
"You really think you can tell kitty cat over there what to do?" Hydie asked and was referring to Fury. Fury growled and took another step towards Hydie.
"Say something else little girl." Fury challenged Hydie. Hydie shook her head.
"I'm saving the fighting for the rangers..." Hydie said "...that's something my brother and I can agree on." She added and turned from Fury to Heckyl. "You really shouldn't get in the middle of Scorn's fights." Hydie said to her brother in a calmer tone than what Scorn had. "She can handle it."
"I don't doubt it." Heckyl said to his sister. Hydie looked at the screen that allowed them to view the megazord fight.
"And there goes one of mine." Hydie said after the rangers destroyed her monster. "As entertaining as it is here...." Hydie started "...I'm going back to my ship." She started to walk away and could tell Fury took a step towards her. She made her hand glow purple again and shot Fury back. Hydie didn't look behind her as she walked away.

Later in the day Hydie went into Amber Beach and tried to find something to distract her. She had been in a bad mood all day and knew it was because she was on Earth too long. She normally wouldn't stay in one place too long, which allowed her to avoid capture and remain free. The plan to get the energems and her brother being on Earth made her want to stay, but it also made her restless and more irritable than normal.

Hydie had been walking for a while when she heard her name being called.
"Hydie!" Hydie turned to see Chase riding on his skateboard. She didn't expect to see him and he looked equally surprised to see her. Hydie stepped to the side to give Chase some room.
"Do you always have that with you?" Hydie asked Chase about his skateboard when he stopped near her.
"Most of the time, yeah." Chase said with a small shrug. "...so I was going to call you later to see if you wanted to hang out.." Chase started "...but since you're here....do you want to hang out now?" Hydie thought for a moment and nodded. She had been looking for something to use as a distraction. Chase was also part of her plan to get the energems so by spending time with Chase, she was getting both things done at once. "Great." Chase smiled. "If you're hungry, we could grab a bite to eat..."
"Sure." Hydie said at Chase's suggestion for food. "You pick." She said before they began to walk.

Chase talked to Hydie as they walked, mainly about himself. Hydie was partly listening in the beginning but the more they walked, the more she found herself actually listening. She didn't realize how much she was actually listening to Chase until they reached an area that had a few food trucks.

The two of them ordered food from one of the trucks and sat down at a nearby picnic table. They sat across from each other so Chase could have his skateboard next to him. Hydie started to eat her food while Chase did the same.

Hydie looked at Chase after a few bites to see him looking at her.
"You have a little bit..." Hydie pointed to Chase's face, to where there was some food. Chase took a napkin and cleaned his face, but didn't get it all. Hydie shook her head because Chase still had some food on his face. "There's still some on your chin." She said and Chase wiped the rest of it away.
"Now my handsome face is all clean." Chase said with a smile as he looked at Hydie. Hydie didn't realize it, but she smiled back at Chase.
"Not unless I do this..." Hydie dipped one of her fries in ketchup and playfully touched Chase's cheek with it. She didn't stop herself from smiling as Chase looked at her. He didn't seem mad that she put food on his face. "...now your handsome face has ketchup on it...again." Hydie looked at Chase, who was already wiping the ketchup off his cheek.
"So, you think my face is handsome to?" Chase asked and Hydie shrugged.
"Well..." Hydie stopped, not sure how she was going to answer. A part of her did like how Chase looked but she also didn't know how much truth she wanted to tell him. She was still using him to get the energems after all. "...maybe a little." Hydie said to Chase before she ate the fry she messed up Chase's face with. She decided to be honest with Chase in that moment because she did like how he looked.
"So...." Chase started as Hydie took a bite of her food "....have any plans this weekend?" Hydie shook her head as she chewed her food. "Want to go on another date?" Hydie looked at Chase and had to think about it for a moment. "We could grab a bite at the cafe and...."
"...teach me how to skateboard?" Hydie randomly asked about what they would do on their date. There was something in Chase's eyes that lit up when she mentioned skateboarding. Hydie felt like she knew the basics of skateboarding, but felt like it would be another way to get closer to Chase.
"I would love to teach you."
"Then it's a date." Hydie said about the upcoming weekend.

The two of them started to eat the rest of their food and talked some more. Hydie didn't realize that her irritable mood from earlier was gone the more time she spent with Chase.
Author's Note:
-It took me about a week to write this chapter because I didn't have much muse. But I'm starting to develop the relationship between Hydie and Chase, which I'm excited to explore as I write it. 

Here are the questions for this chapter to see how many people read all the way through:
1. What would you like to see Chase and Hydie do together?
2. How do you think the other rangers react to Chase and Hydie getting closer? (They don't know she's Scorn's other half)
3. Any Dino Charge or Dino Super Charge episodes you'd like to see as a chapter? (If yes, which ones)
4. Do you think Heckyl should become worried at how close Hydie is becoming with Chase?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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