Date With Danger Part 1

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It was Friday, the day Hydie agreed to have a date with Chase. She stood in front of one of the mirrors on her ship. It was in the room she used as her own sleeping quarters. The mirror was cracked in places and looked old, but was still used by Hydie.

Hydie's outfit was black skinny jeans, a low cut purple tank top, black leather jacket and black combat boots. She also had her goggles around her neck as a necklace had done her makeup to match the outfit, but was still deciding on how her hair should be. Hydie knew she wanted her hair to cover her tattoo, but wasn't sure what else to do.
"You're putting too much effort into your looks sis." Heckyl said from the hall. Hydie looked in the reflection of the mirror and saw her brother.
"Just because you look like Fury's backside, doesn't mean I have to." Hydie said as she teased her brother. Heckyl frowned and took a step into the room. "I've been doing my research on humans..." Hydie started to say as she put her hair in a side ponytail that laid over her tattoo "...they care about how their dates look. If I'm to gain the black ranger's trust, I need to at least pretend to care about how I look." She paused and looked at Heckyl's reflection in the mirror. "At least when it comes to dates."
"Are you sure this plan of yours will work?" Hydie nodded to her brother.
"My plans rarely fail." Hydie turned around to face her brother. "But feel free to improvise as long as you don't reveal who we really are."
"I'm not that reckless..." Heckyl said and Hydie gave him an 'are you kidding?' look. Heckyl playfully messed with Hydie's hair before he walked out of the room.

Hydie turned back to the mirror and fixed her hair after Heckyl had messed it up.

Hydie went to the park a few minutes earlier than when Chase wanted to meet up. She wanted a few extra minutes to observe humans. The more she observed them, the more she learned on how to seem human. 'Humans seem...complicated ' Hydie thought to herself because she's seen different interactions over the last few days. She always seemed to learn something new about humans.

Hydie was watching the people walking through the park when she heard her name.
"Hydie!" She looked to see Chase coming towards her on his skateboard.
"You're not going to knock me over this time, are you?" Hydie asked Chase as he stopped in front of her. She was referring to the first time they met. Chase looked embarrassed, but gave Hydie a smile.
"I promise not to knock you over..." Chase said and Hydie gave him a smile as she stood up.
"I'll hold you to that." The two of them started to walk through the park together.

Hydie walked alongside Chase in the park for a few minutes. Chase was talking about himself and Hydie listened. She was trying to learn more about him and wasn't sure what she would say about herself if Chase gave her a chance to talk.

"Hey look, " Chase said after he was done talking about himself "...there's a skate park." He looked at Hydie. "Why don't I show you a few tricks?"
"Sure." Hydie said before Chase put his board on the ground and went closer to the skate park. Hydie walked a little closer and leaned on a nearby tree to watch.

Hydie stood under the tree, watching Chase on his skateboard. She had been watching Chase show off on his skateboard for over a hour and started to wonder if they were going to do anything else. 'It doesn't seem too hard' Hydie thought to herself about being on a skateboard. 'He seems to be enjoying himself.' She could easily notice the smile and the concentration on Chase's face as he was on his skateboard.

Chase came towards Hydie on his skateboard, but got off and picked it up before he would knock into Hayley.
"Chase, I've been watching you skate for over an hour..." Hydie started to say, not that she had a problem with watching Chase.
"I know, isn't it great?" Chase asked as he rested his arm around Hydie's shoulder. They started to walk away from the skatepark. "But hey, I want you to know even though I've got mad skills..." Chase and Hydie stopped walking. Chase took his arm from Hydie's shoulder and stood in front of her "...underneath, I'm just a regular guy." 'A regular guy that happens to be a power ranger' Hydie thought to herself. She looked at Chase as he was still catching his breath from skating.
"Would a regular guy know his way to the nearest food truck?" Hydie asked because she had started to get hungry. Chase rested his arm on Hydie's shoulder again and smiled.
"I know just the place." Chase started to lead Hydie away from the skatepark and towards some food trucks that were around.

After a few minutes of walking, Hydie could see the food trucks in the distance. She opened her mouth to say something when there was a blast. It knocked her and Chase down.
"Are you okay?" Chase asked Hydie, who gave a nod.
"What was that?" Hydie asked, even though she knew it was part of her plan. The two of them looked to where the blast came from to see Fury. Hydie noticed the vivix appearing around Fury. "Why are they attacking us?" She asked as she stood up with Chase.
"Come on, lets get somewhere safe." Chase said to hide that he was the black ranger. They turned around to see more Vivix that appeared behind them.
"You two aren't going anywhere." Fury said, which made Chase look back towards him.
"Chase..." Hydie started to say as the Vivx started to get closer to them " we try and fight them?" She knew how to handle herself in a fight even without using her normal powers or transforming into Scorn. Hydie didn't want to reveal who she really was to Chase and knew Chase would try and hide that he was the black ranger.
"Leave the fighting to us." Tyler said as he and the other rangers showed up, already morphed.
"The power rangers..." Hydie looked to see that the others had appeared near them.

Hydie watched from Chase's side as the Vivix started to fight the rangers. A few of the Vivix started to attack Chase and Hydie. Chase started to fight them unmorphed while Hydie fought alongside him. She tried not to fight too well and focused on keeping the Vivix away from her and Chase.
"Are you two okay?" Riley asked as he got to Chase and Hydie. He was morphed so Chase had to pretend not to know him.
"Yeah, thanks." Hydie said to him as Chase gave him a nod.
"You two need to get somewhere safe." Riley said towards Chase and Hydie. "Let us handle this." Hydie nodded and looked at Chase.
"Let's go." Chase said to Hydie and held her hand. He started to lead her away from the fight while the Vivix and Fury were focused on fighting the rangers.

Chase and Hydie got away from the fight.
"Wait..." Hydie said before they stopped. She let go of Chase's hand and made it seem like she needed a moment to rest. "I...think we're safe..." Chase looked at Hydie.
"Are you okay?" He asked and Hydie nodded.
"Are you?" She asked and he nodded as well. "Why would they attack us?" Chase shrugged.
"I have no idea." Chase looked to the direction they came from. "I'm going to see if the rangers are okay..." Chase started to say. He took a few steps away before Hydie held his hand.
"Be careful." Chase nodded at Hydie before she let go of his hand.

Hydie watched Chase as started to go back the way they came. She didn't see Vivix come up behind her, but knew they were there when they grabbed her arms.
"Chase!" Hydie shouted his name and it made him stop in his tracks. He turned around and saw Hydie being held by Vivix.
"Ha, you fell for it!" Wrench said as he stood near the Vivix. "Fury was just a trick to separate you."
"Hydie!" Chase started to run towards Hydie. She was pretending to struggle against the Vivix.
"Come and find us." Wrench laughed before he teleported the Vivix, Hydie and himself away.
"Hydie!" Chase stopped when he got to where Hydie had been. He groaned in frustration before his friends joined him. His friends were no longer morphed and noticed Chase's expression.
"Chase...what happened?" Shelby asked Chase.
"Where's...Hydie?" Riley asked.
"They took her." Chase said and turned towards his friends. "We have to find Hydie." He added, not knowing the whole fight and kidnapping was Hydie's idea.

Author's Note: 
-Please, if you like this story and want to see and leave comments on it. The votes give me motivation to write for the story. The comments give me motivation as well, but also muse if people leave suggestions for future chapters in them. 

I'm going to keep asking questions at the end of chapters if no one knows what to comment...and just because I think it's a good way to engage with you:
1. Do you think it's possible for someone who is corrupted by the dark energem to bond to a regular energem?

2. Who would you like to see interact with Hydie more?
3. Are there any monsters/plots from other ranger seasons that you would like to see incorporated into this story?
4. Would you like any filler chapters to have other characters interact with Hydie and Scorn more?

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