Flirting With Danger

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After she talked with her brother, Hydie decided to walk through Amber Beach. She found her way back to the museum where she knew Chase worked. A part of her plan to get the energems was to get closer to Chase and the other rangers. Her main focus was getting Chase to trust her. If his friends managed to trust her, that would be a bonus.

Hydie walked into the Cafe and sat down at a table. She looked towards the back to see that Chase was at the grill. He managed to look up at the same time and smiled when he saw Hydie. She gave him a small wave before she grabbed the menu that was on the table.

Hydie looked over the menu and despite not being from Earth, did have an interest in the food Earth had. There was other planets in the universe that had similar food but every planet she visited had their own versions.
"Hey..." She heard Chase's voice, which brought her out of her thoughts. "...see anything you like?" He asked when Hydie noticed him sitting in the seat across from her.
"I see one thing." Hydie said with a smile as she looked at him. Chase smiled back because she was trying to flirt with him. "Anything you'd recommend?"
"I would recommend you and me Friday night."
" that your way of asking me out on a date?" Hydie asked, amused with Chase. Chase was about to answer when someone came up to them.
"Chase, I thought you were focused on the grill." Shelby as she stood at the edge of the table.
"I'm totally focused on the girl" Chase said to Shelby without looking away from Hydie.
"Not the girl...the grill." Shelby said to Chase, who looked back to the kitchen to see smoke coming from the grill.
"Oops..." He quickly got up and ran back to the kitchen.

Hydie watched him hurry back to the kitchen.
"I'm Shelby." Shelby introduced herself to Hydie after Chase had left.
"I'm Hydie. Are you one of Chase's friends?" Hydie asked and Shelby nodded. " he always like that?" Hydie asked about Chase being distracted by her when he had something else he had to focus on.
"Yeah, pretty much." Shelby said about Chase with a shrug. " you need a few minutes?" Hydie shook her head and could tell Shelby was trying to change the subject. Hydie placed her order with Shelby.

After Shelby walked away, Hydie looked back at Chase. He seemed to be focused on the grill and not looking out to the dining area. 'Even though I'm using him...he is kinda cute' Hydie thought to herself about Chase.

Hydie was still at her table when her food and drink was brought to her. She looked up and saw who brought her the food.
"Shouldn't you be watching the grill?" Hydie said, teasing him about earlier.
"Ivan's watching it for a few minutes." Chase said as he sat across from Hydie again.
"Are you sure?" She asked as she tried to playfully tease him. Chase couldn't help but smile at Hydie. He gently pushed the food closer to Hydie.
"I made it myself."

Hydie looked at the burger in front of her. She picked it up and smiled when the grease dripped off. Chase watched as she took a big bite from the burger. Hydie nodded her head, silently saying she approved of the burger.
"This is very good." Hydie said and saw the smile on Chase's face. "Very greasy, but I love greasy foods." She added. There was greasy food on almost every planet Hydie's been to and she always enjoyed it.
"So...about before..." Chase started to say.
"You mean before Shelby interrupted...?" Hydie asked and Chase nodded. "Sure." Hydie wiped the grease from her mouth.
"Great." Chase was surprised Hydie said yes, but didn't say that out loud. "Do you want to meet at the park around noon on Friday?"
"Sounds like a plan."
"Great. I'll see you then." Chase said before he left Hydie to eat the rest of her burger. Hydie watched as he went back to the kitchen and began to cook more.

Shelby walked into the kitchen after Hydie ate, paid for her meal and left.
"Chase, Hydie left this for you." Shelby said as she gave Chase a piece of paper. Chase looked up from the food he was cooking and took the paper from Shelby with his free hand. He opened it up and didn't hide his smile when he saw it was her phone number.
"She gave me her number..." Chase said, almost like he was dreaming "...someone pinch me." Koda walked into the kitchen and heard Chase. He went over to Chase and pinched his arm. "Ow..." Chase looked at Koda, who looked proud. " was a figure of speech." He said, but not mad at Koda.
"Are you sure about her Chase?" Shelby asked, referring to Hydie. "I just have this bad feeling about her."
"Hydie's cool." Chase said, even though he didn't know a lot about her. "How many girls agree to go on a date with me?"
"You mean ones that continue to date you?" Riley asked as he walked into the kitchen to grab something for the dining room. Chase rolled his eyes as he put Hydie's number in his pocket. "Ten dollars say they don't go on a second date." He added and was still teasing Chase because he didn't often stay with a girl for more than one date.
"I bet ten we will." Chase said about him and Hydie. Chase felt confident that he would have more than one date with Hydie.
"You're on." Riley said before he walked out of the kitchen. Chase tried to return his attention to the food he had to cook, even though his thoughts often drifted to Hydie.

It was later that day when Hydie was back at her brother's ship. She went to the main room of the ship because she had a feeling that's where her brother would be.
"Hey Heckyl..." Hydie said to get her brother's attention "...guess who has a date with the black ranger..."
"The black ranger and you?" Heckyl asked. "The two of you...on a date?" He started to laugh with a smile, which annoyed Hydie. Hydie held her hand up and made it glow purple.
"Keep laughing..." She said with a serious face. "I'll blast you across the room." Heckyl stopped, but still had a smile on his face. "This date with the black ranger is just part of the plan." She added and stopped her hand from glowing.
"What's going on in that mischievous mind of yours?" Heckyl asked his sister.
"How would Snide like to interrupt the date?" Hydie asked. She felt like Snide would jump at the chance to cause trouble when it came to the rangers.
Author's note: 

-This sort of sets up the next two chapters. They are based on the episode of Power Rangers Dino Super Charge called 'Date with Danger'. 
-This chapter I started to ask questions to the readers to get feedback on the fanfiction site version, so I thought I would do the same here. I do look at every comment/idea/review so anything helps no matter how little. 
-You don't have to answer all the questions, just the ones you have thoughts on. All suggestions help the story. 

1. Should Hydie and Scorn be separated from each other like Heckyl and Snide were in the show?
2. Do you think Hydie and Scorn have a redemption arc?
3. Should Shelby have a bad feeling about Hydie for a while?
4. What monsters from all of Power Rangers should make an appearance in this story?

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