Prologue (Rewritten): Welcome Home

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[Authors note: so apparently while bringing these over to Wattpad, multiple glitches occur. so, if you spot anything weird, please let me know. Thanks, and enjoy.]

It was a lovely long spring evening, and young Flora was just getting home from school. She walked past beautiful fields of fresh grass and amazing flowers. She breathed in the nice air and opened the door to her house. The house was a modest size, however, the furniture was very nice and well-kept. She walked into the living room, it was nice and cozy, and it would make anyone feel nostalgic.
Flora wasn't the tallest. She was pretty short for her age. Her skin was on the mixed side. She had beautiful long, well-kept brunette hair that reached her shoulders. Along with bright green eyes. Upon entering the building, she threw her book bag to one of the corners of the room. "Mom! I'm home!" she yelled across the room.
"Oh, Welcome back sweetie. I've almost got dinner ready. Do you have any homework?" her mom replied.
Flora walked over to the kitchen, where her mom was cooking dinner. "No not today, I've already finished it," Flora said proudly, putting her hands on her hips.
Flora's mom looked barely anything like her child. Her name is Sakura. She was a pink and white furred anthropomorphic fox lady. She had big pointy ears that rested on the top of her head, right next to her nice and very long pink hair and beautiful blue eyes. She had a bushy tail that reached the floor. She was wearing a simple gown, along with a simple apron she would wear while she was cooking. Her tail wagged as she turned to greet her daughter with a warm smile.
"How was your day sweetie?" she asked. Her voice was very soft and delicate.
"It was good, long though," Flora replied.
"Why's that?" She asked.
"Ugh, Math. Mrs. Kolta isn't very nice either." Flora said.
"Don't worry, I can help you if you want. I was quite the math expert back in my day," she answered half-Jokingly.
"That's okay, my friend already said she'll tutor me when I visit. Speaking of which~~" she dragged out that last part. "Can I go to Claire's house tomorrow? I promise I'll be back by nightfall, plus we'll be doing schoolwork...for at least a little while.'' She tried to use her charm to convince her mom to let her go.
"...Well, I guess. I mean, you're already 15. You should be going out and hanging out with friends. Tell you what, so long as you promise to be responsible, I'll let you go." she said.
"Okay, I promise Mom. Thank you." She rushed up to her mom and wrapped her arms around her to hug her.
"Aww, look at you. I can't believe my baby girl is growing up so fast." Sakura grabbed Flora's face and held it in her hands."I'm so proud of you."
"Mom! I've been a teen for a while now, you know I've been growing," she said.
"Oh, I know. I'm just getting sentimental. It only feels like yesterday when we found you." She let go of Flora and looked up like she was remembering a nice memory. Then she looked back down at Flora. "Now remember to behave. Don't be rude to her mother, she's a nice woman."
"Of course, I know how to be polite. I promise I won't do anything stupid though." Flora said.
"Good, or else I would have to tell Jinx on you," Sakura said.
"You know they will take my side," Flora said teasingly, making a face at her jokingly. Then she dropped her act and started to head for the kitchen table. "By the way, since you mentioned being sentimental. I wanted to know if you could tell me the story about the winter war?" she asked politely.
"Didn't I already tell you that story, like 5 times?" Sakura said, turning back to her cooking.
"Not that one. The real story. Jinx told me you were giving me the "watered down version". Whatever that means." Flora sat down in her spot at the dinner table slowly.
"Of course, Jinx told you that." she gave a slight sigh, not an annoyed one, just one that told Flora she wasn't surprised. "Hold that thought sweetie, Dinner is almost ready." Sakura carried the prepared food over to the dinner table, the dinner was being cooked over an open fire that was contained in a small brick area, so the fire doesn't spread. After placing it on the table, Sakura prepared everything else for dinner, and the two of them spent their dinner together.
The dinner wasn't full of conversation, a bit of time was filled with silence. But it wasn't awkward, they were fine just with their presence. Soon enough, they had both finished eating. "Ok Flora, wait right here. I'll be right back." Sakura said. She lightly got up from her chair and rounded the corner into the living room. Presumably to her bedroom. Not long after Sakura came in with two incredibly thick books, one with a solid red cover, and another with a solid green cover.
"Now sweetie, I wanna warn you, this isn't the most kid-friendly story. Especially since it has a lot to do with our family. There are also a lot of heavy themes. I want to know that you're ready for it." Sakura said, her voice had a hint of concern.
"I want to know the true story. I wanna know what happened to Dad, and why all of that happened. I'm almost 16, I'm ready for it." Flora said.
Sakura gave her a slightly concerned look. "Alright, if you really want to. You deserve to know, since it's kind of a huge part of our family history. However, it is quite long, really long actually."
"I can handle long stories. I've got time." Flora said.
"Alright if you insist, but first, a little backstory." Sakura sat down and placed the red book right in front of her. Before opening it she cleared her throat. "A long time ago, everyone thought there was only one landmark. Because of this, we didn't bother naming it, everyone just referred to it as the "Mainlands''. There existed four main races. The Humans, the Anthros, the Reptilians, and the Merians. The humans believed themselves to be the superior race, resulting in them treating other races terribly. They did terrible things to the other races, and over time they got carried away. They had caused the extinction of the reptilian race. Soon after the Merians had vanished, never to be seen again. Despite this, the Anthros were still treated like trash, but then an Anthro decided to stand up. This man's name was Matthew Coleworth. Along with his brother, and two others, they sailed the sea in hopes of finding new land. Eventually, they did, and they colonized it. Making a perfect paradise for anthros. They even let certain humans in, if they were friendly. They had created a world of peace. But the Mainlands weren't fond of this new island, and war broke out..."

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