Chpater 1 (Rewritten): The Coleworth Brothers

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[Authors note: I apologize for making another note, however, I would just like to say that from now on I will be using the format the Wattpad encourages from now on. I found this to be waaaay easier for me when transferring from docs to Wattpad. I'd much rather do this than spend another hour making spaces for my paragraphs to make the illusion of a tab space. Thanks for reading and enjoy]

The flames of war covered the entire land. Buildings and landmarks were set ablaze and everyone fought for their survival. The land of Gardenia was only a year old when it had its first war.  Mountains of bodies lay lifeless on the ground, as the fighting and brutality continued. Over in the distance was a deep cave, in there stood two brothers. The last of their family, the Coleworth family.

Standing by the entrance was Matthew Coleworth. A tall lanky anthropomorphic wolf. His fur was coated in a desaturated yellow, and his eyes were a rich green. His hair was a mess, which normally wasn't the case. He wore a brown trench coat over a white t-shirt. His clothing was also a bit messy as well. Recently Matthew and his brother had been exiled from their own country, which had been taken over by a fierce dictator. They were forced into hiding in a cave to avoid contact, but their land was under war, and Matthew felt he had a job to do.

Aaron Coleworth, who was Matthew's brother, emerged from within the cave. He was also another anthro wolf. His fur was a dark-ish red, with the same eyes as his brother. His fur and hair were also messed up, dirt covered almost his whole body. He looked very beat up and tossed aside. He walked up to his brother with a scared look on his face with his tail in between his legs. "Matt? Where are you going?" His voice was shaking and full of fear.

Matthew turns around to face his brother, seeing his brother so fearful left a pit in his stomach. Especially considering what he was about to do. He proceeded to kneel in front of his brother so they could meet at eye level and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"Aaron, I'm gonna need you to listen to me. What's about to happen may be confusing, scary even. But I'm gonna need you to be strong. You carry the Coleworth name, there's only two of us left. We can't let what happened to our parents be for nothing. Not just for them, but for what happened to everyone. These people don't care about anyone but themselves. They're gonna take all of what we built away, We can't let them. No matter what you do Aaron, I need you to defend this land. Protect the people and keep the peace. And if they attack, Refuse to falter, refuse to give up, refuse to die if you have to! Our legacy must live on, the Coleworths must live on! I believe in you Aaron, we're all gonna be counting on you." Matthew released his brother from his hold and stood up.

"Matt, what are you talking about? What's going on? I'm scared." Aaron said fearfully. Aaron went up to his brother and pulled his shirt. Matthew kneeled again and they shared a hug.

"Aaron, I need you to promise to take care of this place, to take care of everyone. Can you do that?" Matthew said quietly in Aaron's ear.

"I-...I promise." They released their hug and Matthew noticed tears threatening to steam down his brother's face. "A-are you gonna leave me like mommy and daddy?" Aaron's voice cracked and his body was shaking.

Matthew couldn't come up with a response for a second. Seeing his brother like this only drove his point forward. "...Honestly Aaron, I'm...not-" Matthew struggled to get his words out. He didn't want to lie to a child, let alone his brother. However, how could he tell him what he was going to do?

Matthew made his decision, everyone tells white lies now and then, but is that what he wanted his last words to him to be? Matthew gave his brother a forced smile, "Don't worry Aaron. Everything will be okay. Soon enough this will all just be some bad memory."

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