chapter twenty-seventh

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A/N: Y'all?? I had a few to many things go on in my personal life and haven't been able to write lately like I wanted, but how the hell are we at 4000??? Girls????

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly hope y'all are enjoying this and I really wanna put so much into each chapter. I don't want them to feel like fillers or anything.

So it might take awhile for chapters to come, but trust and believe I am working behind the scenes.

Anyways, here's a new chapter. It took me too long cuz I was also blocked, due to life. Enjoy 💜

Joliè's pov

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Joliè's pov

"Les cendres en cendres, la poussière en poussière. Jusqu'où j'ai voyagé juste pour trouver mon amour. J'ai cherché bas et grimpé plus haut, vivant de ma vie de désir. Combien de temps avant que je la trouve ? Je suis coincé sur ce fil invisible."  

(Ashes in ashes, dust in dust. How far I have traveled just to find my love. I looked down and climbed higher, living my life of desire. How long before I find her? I am stuck on this invisible thread.)

"Une ride dans la temps, un rapide balancement du vent. Je me retrouve respirer dans le merveilleux arome de mon desir. Le moment ou je l'ai vue a ete un moment que je n'oublierai pas bientot. Lelegance en mouvement etait ce qu'il fallait pour rendre faible. Destiny est apple, tu ne reponds pas a mon appel? J;'attendrai eternellement et un jour, juste pour te tenir pendant que je dors.

(A wrinkle in time, a quick swing of the wind. I find myself breathing in the wonderful aroma of my desire. The moment I saw her was a moment that I will not forget soon. The elegance in motion was all it took to make me weak. Destiny is called, but you don't answer the call? I will wait forever and one day, just to hold you while I sleep)

I sat writing away in my journal while I waited for the girls to finish their in their massages. I had agreed to drive them to the spa so they could have an entire day of pampering for their birthdays. Apparently, it was a tradition.

I could only hope that tradition might include me next year.

After spending most of the afternoon and evening yesterday with Ashton. I realized that her mood had completely changed into a happier one with her brother forgotten. From that point, I knew I wanted to keep that smile on her face as long as possible.

I also just wanted to spend as much time as I could with her after breakfast this morning. I did not expect to meet Daja and Rell, but I was thrilled because this was a perfect time to give a great first impression.

So far, things had seemed good. Aside from the interrogation about how we woke up this morning. They seriously believed that we had sex, but all we did was talk until we fell asleep. On opposite sides of the bed.

I got lost in my own world as I journaled away. It took me some time to realize that Rell was now sitting next to me. So I closed my journal and crossed my legs before looking at him with a smile ready to stir up a conversation.

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