Chapter 5 - The Pressure Is On

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The class erupted into lively discussion as soon as Aizawa's announcement was made. Students chattered excitedly, their voices rising in a mix of speculation and enthusiasm.

Some debated the events, while others shared their hopes and strategies. The room buzzed with energy, the atmosphere charged with anticipation for the upcoming U.A. Sports Festival.

Among the clamor, you could hear fragments of conversation—debates about potential events, predictions about the competition, and shared hopes and strategies. The excitement was palpable, and it was clear that everyone was eager to showcase their abilities.

You started to recall the stories your mother would tell you about her Sports Festivals and how that was, she was such a remarkable woman who had so many accomplishments. There was so much to look up to, and you knew you wanted to make her proud.

"Dammit! I can't wait to explode some bastard's head off!" The voice of an ash-blonde boy with spiky hair cut through the noise. His statement was practically a shout, filled with a raw, aggressive energy. Laughter erupted around the room as the boy grinned widely, seemingly oblivious to the commotion he was causing.

"That's Bakugo," Jirou whispered, leaning in so you could hear her over the growing chatter. As Aizawa tried to restore order and begin explaining the details of the Sports Festival, you noticed the spiky-haired boy still grinning, appearing overly confident with his statement.

"Just so you know—it's probably best to avoid him if you ever come into contact with him. He's a hot-headed asshole, he doesn't care how anyone feels as long as whatever he's doing validates himself." she explained, giving you a warning.

As Aizawa attempted to quiet the class so he could explain the details of the Sports Festival, you observed Bakugo, who was still grinning, his confidence bordering on arrogance.

You slowly nodded, taking in Jirou's explanation. Her words painted a clear picture of Bakugo's temperament. "I feel bad for whoever his opponents are gonna be in the Festival, then," you replied, trying to process the information as the class chatter finally began to subside.

Aizawa, visibly frustrated by the difficulty of calming down his students, shook his head and muttered, "Lord..."

"As I was saying," he began, his voice cutting through the noise with an authoritative tone, "Students from each grade and every course will compete among themselves in their respective age groups. The event will start with preliminary elimination rounds, and those who manage to pass will move on to the main and final events."

The explanation was straightforward, but the realization of the rigorous training required leading up to the Festival was daunting. The room fell silent as everyone absorbed the gravity of Aizawa's words.

"This event is broadcasted everywhere, and people from all around the world come to watch it." Aizawa added.

"Eeee! I'm gonna be famous!!" The invisible girl squealed out of excitement.

Jirou turned to you again, "That's Hagakure. Her quirks pretty obvious." Jirou made clear. You nodded slightly and smiled to yourself at how excited she seemed to be.

"My hero suit is gonna be so cute!" Mina added enthusiastically, her voice contributing to the growing excitement in the room. The chatter grew louder as students began discussing their plans for their hero costumes.

Aizawa, growing increasingly exasperated with the noise, slammed his hand down on his desk. The sudden sound brought immediate silence, the students now fearful of his wrath.

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