clingy. - Matt Sturniolo

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i sit in my bed, so bored. i'm scrolling through instagram before my boyfriend texts me.

matthew 🤍

matthew 🤍 :
hii. are you awake?

yes my love, what's up?

matthew 🤍:
i'll be at your house in ten.

i'll be ready. 💕

it's like this boy can read my mind. i set my phone down, getting up out of bed. i walk over to my dresser and pick out a hoodie and some sweatpants. i change quickly before grabbing a hair tie and a claw clip. i put my hair up quickly, grabbing my phone. i put it in my pocket and creep downstairs. i slowly open the fridge, looking for a drink. i grab a bottle of water and a root beer for matt.

matt texted me saying he was outside.

matthew 🤍

matthew 🤍:
i'm here baby

coming outside now. 🫶🏼

read at 1:17 am

i slowly open my front door, making sure to close it quietly. i make my way through the porch and to his car. i open the front door and see his face smiling at me. "hi love!" he exclaims, looking very excited. "hii baby." i say smiling back before coming a bit closer giving him a kiss. i pulled away then giving him the root beer. he smiles. "are you hungry?" he asks me.
"a little." i say taking out my phone, connecting it to the aux.

i turn down the volume so it's playing in the background. he puts his hand on my thigh and uses his thumb, rubbing it in circles. i smile as we drive. we arrive at mcdonald's and he asks what i want. "fries and a milkshake?" i ask him. "i'll get a large fry and an oreo mcflurry, can i also get a 10 piece chicken nugget and another oreo mcflurry?" he asks leaning his head out the window. "sure thing, will that be all?" the lady asks us. "yes ma'am." matt says looking at me, smiling. "pull up to the next window." she says.

we get our food and drive to an empty parking lot. we eat and talk about random things that happened during the day. matt then tells me he wants to talk to me about something a bit important. i nod, bracing myself for something terrible. "i'm going on tour again." he looks at me, sorrow in his eyes. "oh! i thought it was something way worse. how long will you be gone?" i ask staring at his stunning ocean blue eyes. "around a month." he says somewhat frowning. "that's not too long." i say trying to make him feel better. "i know. i just hate being away from you." he says looking up from his fidgeting fingers in his lap. i frown a bit. "hey, it's gonna be okay. i'll call you everyday." i say reassuring him.

after we talk some more about tour i get an idea. "hey matt?" i say looking up from my phone. "hm?" he hums. "what if i came with you on tour?" i suggest. "i don't know. there's gonna be me, nick, chris, madi, and laura." he says frowning. "oh. what if you asked laura? i don't want you to be sad because i'm not there." i say kind of disappointed. "i'll ask her, but she's might not accept." he says looking back down. "don't worry about it. even if i can't come with you, i'll still call you every night after tour finishes." i smile.

we finish our food, matt's driving to his house while i'm checking the time on my phone.

2:07 am.

"y/n?" matt says, keeping his eyes on the road. "yes?" i look up from my phone and turn to face him. "can you stay the night with me?" he asks kind of shy. i smile. "of course." he smiles as we pull into his driveway, parking the car and walking inside hand in hand. he opens the door, walking inside, then leading me up to his bedroom. i open the bedroom door, stepping in. "what do you wanna do?" i ask as he flops down on his bed. "just hold me." he says smiling. i climb under the covers as he lays his head on my chest. i play with his hair as i hear his soft snores. i smile as i lay my head on top on his. we both fall asleep.

🎧🍂 hii guys. lara here. i apologize if this isn't the best! it's my first time writing imagines/fanfics. but i hope you enjoy!! 🍂🎧

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