wanna be yours.- matthew sturniolo.

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🩻 i wanna be yours • arctic monkeys 🩻

⚠️ TW, sh (?) and anxiety ⚠️
matt and i have been dating for about 2 years. he still looks at me like he just saw a mythical creature. no doubt, whenever he looks at me, he's always smiling, jaw dropped, or giggling.

his brothers adore me too. matt and i both have anxiety, matt just deals with it better than i do.

i walked downstairs, around 11:30 am. i was surprised to see matt awake, he's usually awake around noon.

"good morning gorgeous." he looked up smiling.
"morning love." i said giggling, as i walked over for a hug.  "how'd you sleep?" he asked hugging me. i sighed into his shoulder. i could stay there forever. "i slept fine, but i could sleep better right here." i said as he patted my head. he pulled away and i groaned, walking back over to the kitchen. "you hungry?" i called from the fridge. "yeah i haven't eaten yet." he called back. "okay, how's cereal and someeee.. fruit?"
"love it!" he called back.

i grabbed some strawberries, blueberries and a pineapple. i had been waiting for it to finish ripening for me to cut it. matt walked over to the island, brining a chair over. "that pineapple smells awesome" he said setting his phone down. "i know right? i'm so excited to cut it." he smiled watching me get excited over this little thing. i cut the top off, and started skinning it. i giggled a bit, i really loved pineapple. he was recording me get excited over this fruit. "look how excited y/n gets when she has a pineapple it's crazy" he said zooming in on my hands cutting the pineapple, then my face, i'm grinning ear to ear.

i finished cutting the pineapple, finally taking a piece. i take a bite and fall to the ground sarcastically. i heard matt laughing as i was getting up. "that shit is so good" i said taking another piece. he grabbed a piece, eating it. "your good at choosing these." he smiled. "i know" i giggled as i started cutting the strawberries. matt grabbed 2 bowls for the both of us. i halved all the fruit into both of our bowls. in the next bowl i poured some cereal, and milk. i set matt's bowls and his silverware in front of his chair, while he was getting me a chair. i sat down next to him. "thank you baby." he smiled.

we were eating as i finally remembered matt had brothers. "where's nick and chris?" i asked curiously. "oh they're at some kind of meeting with laura." he replied. "ohh makes sense" i said finishing the last bit of my fruit. we both finished, and i washed the dishes. it was almost 1pm now.

"hey baby?" matt called from the living room. "what's up?" i replied, turning off the sink. "i have to go pick up nick and chris now" he started. "wanna come?" he asked. "uhhh, no im okay, i think i'm just gonna get ready since they want to film today" i said, finishing up the dishes. "alright" he said getting up as i walked into the living room. "i love you." he said hugging me by my waist. "i love you too." i smiled as i dug my head into his shoulder again. "alright go get your brothers." i said pulling away flipping his hair with my hands. he smiled and then walked downstairs to the garage.

i walked upstairs, opening tiktok on my phone. i saw a video about matt and i. i swiped seeing photos of us, happy, and the text over it. "matt should leave her," and "she should khs." i looked at the comments. it was more people agreeing and leaving more hate comments. i started tearing up. 'your being stupid- matt obviously loved me.. right? no that's silly. he does. i hope.' my mind told me.

i sat down on the bed looking at more and more hate comments. "matt doesn't even love her" and "he looks so sad now". this broke me. i started crying. maybe he didn't love me. maybe he just felt bad. i cried for what seemed like ten minutes. i check the time, seeing a text from matt. 2:24 pm. the text read;
'want anything from canes?' i stared at it, still crying. looking at the text somehow made me cry even more. i thought of one specific comment. 'she's so ugly, and she's overweight. i mean why would matt even date her?' i got up looking in the mirror. 'matt doesn't love you. he thinks your ugly and dates you out of pity.' my brain told me again. it had to have been at least 20 minutes i was there crying, because matt was walking up the stairs with some lunch.

he opened our bedroom door, and there i am. a crying, panting mess. he set the bag of food down on the ground, walking over to me. he sat down next to me, putting his hands on my waist, pulling me in. he rest his head on top of mine. he knew how to calm me down. he didn't need to know what was wrong right now. he just wanted me to calm down. "shh. your gonna be fine. i'm right here baby." he sighed.

i managed to catch my breath and stop crying. "they hate me matt." i looked up from my fidgeting hands and into his eyes. "i don't care." he stated looking right back at me. "i'm disgusted matt." i wiped my eyes. "my hairs a mess- i haven't showered, i'm crying," he shushes me. "i don't care what you look like. your beautiful enough for me. i don't care what anyone else says. you understand?" i nodded. "i don't care what they say. i wanna be yours." he rubbed my cheek. "but i have too many issues."
"i wanna be yours." he pushed my hair out of my face. "you hate me matt- you only date me out of pity." i looked into his loving eyes. "i date you, because i love your silly personality. you help me." he pulled me closer. "i just wanna be yours." he laid my head on his shoulder placing his on top of mine.

i got up after ten minutes of matt holding me and reassuring that i'm enough for him. he helped me up. "now come on the foods getting cold goofy" i grabbed his hand, pulling myself up. i looked in the mirror and wiped my eyes. quickly sighing and following matt out of the bedroom. we sat down at the table, and nick seemed to have noticed my puffy red nose. "are you okay?" he asked quickly. "no no i'm okay." matt and i smiled quickly glancing at eachother.

i went back upstairs with matt and we both took a 2 hour nap. i woke up before him and cleaned up the room a bit. i heard matt beginning to wake up while i was putting my makeup in bag bag. "morning sleepyhead" i giggle. "morning baby" i hear his raspy morning voice call back.

i finish cleaning up and matt is hanging out on his head watching tv. "are you hungry?" he said looking at me as i came back into the room. "yeah i am actually, do you wanna get mcdonald's?" i smile. "i always want mcdonald's what are you talking about" he says getting out of bed as i grab a sweatshirt. he grabs his keys as we walk out of the house getting into the car. he holds my hand most of the drive and we pull into the mcdonald's and order. we spent most of the night giggling about stupid jokes and putting sauce on eachothers noses.

hii. so i'm starting a song series. i'll take requests for songs!!

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