clingy part four.- matt sturniolo

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matt's coming home in two days. he has had 2 major anxiety attacks. that makes 5 in total. the rest weren't bad and chris or nick were able to calm him down.

i start getting comfortable in bed as i pull the covers over me. i grab my tv remote before my phone started vibrating. i set the remote in my lap and pick up my phone.

"hii y/n!" i hear matt's voice say sounding particularly happy. "why hello there." i say in a fake british accent. i hear him giggle a bit as he turns on his camera. i'm met with his beautiful smile and glowing blue eyes. i smile back at him. "how are you today?" i ask as i pick up the tv remote, turning it on. "i'm alright. what about you baby?" he said looking up at what i assumed was one of his brothers. "i'm okay, excited to come home?" i say looking down. "so excited."

• Matt's POV •

my girlfriend didn't know yet, but i was already coming home. i kept looking up because i was excited. "what are you watching?" i ask her, hearing her tv in the background. "i'm just watching those tv trailer things on netflix, like you know when you stay on the show for too long and then it shows you a preview?" she said, eyes on her tv. "ohh." i say still not understanding. "how's your brothers?" she asked. chris walked over towards matt as he came into frame. "hey y/n" chris waved. "hihi chris" she smiled. "HI Y/N" nick yelled from afar. "HI NICK" she yelled back. chris sat down. "what happened at tour today?" she asked me. "nothing much, we played games, and met some fans, talked, ya' know, normal tour things." i chuckled. she giggled. "next time you guys are on tour i wanna come." she joked. "yeahh i know, but they don't like that it dating you." i said looking down. she sighed looking down at me as well. "hi cutie." i smile as she blushed a bit. "hi handsome" she said back as i remained smiling. "well it's late" she said, "i gotta get some sleep." i saw as she cuddled into my bed. "i hope your enjoying my bedroom!" i call as she started getting comfortable. "whaaat, noo this is totally MY bed." i laughed. "alright goodnight baby, love you." i smiled. i watched her kiss the camera. "love you too." i hung up.

• time skip •

• Y/n's POV •

i woke up, yawning. i look around matt's bedroom. "uhgg." i groan getting out of bed. i get dressed before walking downstairs. i put some frozen waffles in the toaster while i got some water, and got the maple syrup out of the fridge. i grabbed my waffle and poured a bit of maple syrup on it. i sat down, opening my phone to tiktok. i saw a fan girl ranting about matt and i's relationship. i sighed as i watched her shit talk me.

i rewatched the video in shock. she said some really rude things about me. things like, "she can't even make him happy, he looks so sad now." and "she could probably crush him with a hug." i set my phone down looking at my half eaten waffle. i pushed it to the side, walking to the bathroom.
i splashed some water on my face. i looked in the mirror. i hadn't had an anxiety attack in over a year. "your enough." my eyes flooded with tears. i wiped them walking back downstairs. i ignored the video and closed tiktok. i threw out my food and decided to clean the house up a bit.

• Matt's POV •

i was about an hour away from my house. i was so excited. i got up, changing out of my pajamas. i didn't know how to pass time. i was too excited.

                                        y/n ❤️

       good morning. 🥰
                                                                    y/n ❤️:
                              good morning. 🤍 are u getting rdy?
        nah, im driving to the location now. it's gonna be about 50 minutes until i arrive.
                                                                    y/n ❤️:
                                       okay. i'm gonna clean up! 💕
        okay, love you ❤️
                                                                    y/n ❤️:
                                                 love you tooo. 💕

i decided to take a small nap to pass the time.

i woke up 40 minutes later to chris shaking me. "get up matt! we're almost home!" chris said letting go. "hm?" i said opening my eyes.

• Y/n's POV •

i finished cleaning up as i walked upstairs. i got ready for the day, putting on a sweatshirt and some semi tight baggy jeans. i put on a pair of socks walking over to my dresser. i did a very light makeup look. i put on some concealer and mascara, combing my eyebrows. i walked back downstairs, walking over to the couch. i sat down turning on the tv. i thought i heard the lock click but i assume it was the horror movie i was watching.

as i was watching the movie, matt was creeping in the door, his brothers behind him. i kept my eyes on the tv before i noticed a person. i did a double take. "matt- that better be you.." i said getting up and looking around the corner. i was right. i smiled as i ran to my boyfriend. he held me as i jumped up on him. "oh my god." i said getting off him, holding his cheeks looking up at him. "are you done staring?" he said looking down at me. "hmm.. now i am." i said as i kissed him.

"GET A ROOM MY GOD" chris said emerging behind of matt. i pulled away. "hello chris" i glared sarcastically. he looked me up and down. "hello there" he said sarcastically. "GUESS WHO" nick said emerging in the doorway. "oh my god, whooo?" i said sarcastically. "the one-.. the only.. nicholas sturniolo." he said throwing down his bags as we all laughed.

i helped them bring in their bags, setting them in their bedrooms. i took a deep breath. matt grabbed my hand as he pulled me upstairs. we arrived in his clean room. "you didn't have too." he smiled looking around. "trust me, i did. i've been staying here for a week, it wasn't pretty." i giggled.

i changed into a pair of shorts in the bathroom, while matt changed in his bedroom. he laid down in bed snuggling into his clean sheets. "it smells so good in here" he said sniffing his blanket. "i used a new detergent" i said closing the bathroom door.

i got in bed, snuggling into matt. "hi you big baby" i said looking up at his soft eyes. he giggled as i nudged into his chest. "i missed you." he buried his face into my shoulder and we both fell asleep.

          hii. this is the final part of clingy. hope you enjoyed the series. i might start a second series idk yet. 🎧🍂

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