sick in love. - matt sturniolo

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⚠️ TW: emotiphobia (sorry if i spelt that wrong, i mean the fear of throwing up)

today i had a fever. i was laying in bed, before my mother knocked on the door. "come in" i said with my raspy sick voice. my mom opened the door. "what's wrong?" she asked leaning on the door. "i'm dying" i exaggerated. "now i don't think your dying." she said walking over to the pile of blankets covering me. i felt so cold, but also hot? she put her hand on my forehead. "jesus, your burning up." she said removing her hand. "well damn, i thought i was cold." i looked at her sarcastically. she went downstairs to get some medicine as i grabbed my phone off my nightstand. i opened it seeing a text from my lovely boyfriend.


good morning, how are you? ❤️

im okay. im sick today tho 🤷🏻‍♀️
on my way

read at 11:34 am

im sick, why would he want to be around me? i got up and went to wash my face. i brushed my hair and my teeth, then i heard my doorbell.

i walked downstairs, blowing my nose. i opened the door with a sniffle. "hii." i said in a stuffy, soft tone. he frowned playfully before pushing a hair out of my face. "hi baby" he smiled. he walked inside, taking off his shoes. he grabbed water out of the fridge and we began walking upstairs.

i laid down, getting under my covers. he sat down next to me with a bag of items. i looked at it curiously. he must've realized and handed it to me. i opened it. there was all kinds of drinks and snacks in the bag. i smiled. he looked happy. i set them on my nightstand before turning away from him, coughing. he patted my back. we took a nap together for a few hours.

i woke up suddenly to a feeling in my stomach. a feeling i recognized. i got up quickly, walking to my bathroom. i spit into my garbage can before quickly turning to the toilet and throwing up. matt must've heard me because he came in the bathroom. he held my hair back and rubbed my shoulders.

after i finished throwing up matt suggested i took a shower. "yeah i probably should shower." i say as he helps me up. i run a hot shower as matt goes back into the room. as i was showering, matt was cleaning up my bedroom. he made my bed, cleaned off my desk, took out my trash and sprayed some air freshener. i got out of the shower and walked into my bedroom to see a clean bedroom and a smiling matt. i giggled a bit before climbing into bed. we watched movies and ate the snacks he got. we cuddled until my mom knocked on my door.

"can i come in?" my mom asked knocking. "yeah come in mom" i said as matt leaned up a bit. "hello mrs y/l/n" he said smiling. "hello sweetie." my mom smiled back. she walked a bit closer to me and handed me some DayQuil. i grabbed my water bottle and took the pills. "thanks mom" i say as i throw out the empty pill case. she walked out of the room as i snuggled into matt falling asleep. he played with my hair and rubbed my cheek as i drifted off.

hiii. so i got kinda lazy today but part four for clingy is gonna be out soon! 🎧🍂

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