are you that somebody? -. matthew sturniolo.

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🥃 are you that somebody • aaliyah 🥃

matt and i have known each other for 3 years. i started gaining feelings for him a year ago. they've gotten stronger each day i see him. i have a suspicion that he also has feeling for me, since we are always fake flirting in front of our friends. i have a feeling he isn't faking it. but neither am i.

"oh shut up matt." i glared at him. "or what?" matt said with begging eyes. "i've been holding back this secret from you, but i probably shouldn't tell it. but if i let you know, you can't tell nobody. i'm talking 'bout nobody." i said staring into his eyes as our friends ooooh'ed. "i hope your responsible." i said taking my eyes off his and sitting up. matt looked serious now. "mm." he nodded, leaning back against the couch, his hip thrusting up slightly, which made me loose me mind. i went silent as madi and nathan decided to break the heavy silence that filled the room. "you guys are crazy" madi laughed, looking at her phone. nathan nodded setting his phone down. chris and nick looked disgusted.

"you guys are fucking crazy" nick exclaimed. "fuck yeah they are, get a room you guys." chris said looking as if he just watched someone get run over. an hour or so had passed and matt and i hadn't traumatized them again. the subject of relationships had come up, "i'm too scared to get into a relationship with someone." chris said. "i'm up for it" matt said. i giggled. i had the perfect opportunity. i couldn't miss it? "i really need somebody, tell me-, are you that somebody?" i asked with the same begging eyes matt had given me earlier. i saw matt's eyes widen as he looked at me, in shock. "woooah." chris said. nick looked up from his phone and shook his head.

nick asked if i wanted to sleep over before i left, i didn't have anything to do tomorrow so i said yes. i didn't have any pajamas though, "nick" i gasped looking up from my phone. "what" he gasped back. "i don't have clothes to wear to sleep." i said. "what do you wear to bed?" he asked. i assumed he would give me some if it was what i usually wore. "i dunno, t-shirt and some shorts?" i looked at him. i don't think i have shorts for you, but i have shirts." he said. "i'll just go to my apartment it's okay. thanks for the offer though." i smiled. while i was grabbing my phone, matt came downstairs. where are you going?" he asked. "i'm going home to get some clothes to sleep in" i said grabbing my car keys. "why-? you wanna come?" i asked, looking back up at him. "yeah sure."

we both got in my car, and i started the gps, i don't need it, i just like having it. the eta was 35 minutes. i sighed getting onto the freeway. about 15 minutes had passed, matt and i we're talking about random topics, and then there was silence for a few minutes. i started talking about my childhood animals, and my favorite foods, for about 10 minutes. matt must've got tired of the flirting, and me yapping, because in less then a second, his lips were on mine. we pulled away after a second. "what was that?" i asked putting my eyes back on the road. "i made you shut up didn't i?" he replied. "yeah but-.", "shh. just drive." he looked out the window.

the last 5 minutes were very tense. we both were flirting, and i wanted him to just kiss me again. god, i wanted him to kiss me so bad.

     hiii!! so this is part one. thank you all so so much! it makes me happy that people enjoy my writing. love u all!!!

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