greedy.- matthew sturniolo

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🌠 imagine inspired by - greedy • tate mcrae 🌠

i pulled into the driveway of my best friend's house. madi had always talked about the triplets, but i never met them. they always hung out and i was happy for her. madi told me they would be at this little get together.

i grabbed my phone and water bottle, closing my car door. i rung her doorbell, and a few seconds later there was madi.

"hiii!" i say, bringing her into a hug.
"heyy, glad you could come!" she said returning the hug.
"yeah, i'm glad that cold went away." i said pulling away, and walking in."
"who's here?" i said hearing voices from her backyard.
"oh, the boys are here along with nathan." she said walking toward the backyard, me behind her.
"oh okay." i said walking into the backyard.

i locked eyes with him. his resting blue eyes, staring at mine. i was brought back to reality, madi was pulling me over to introduce us.

"he-.." i said getting cut off by madi.
"this is y/n!" madi said letting go of my arm.
"hello." i smile at the boys, rubbing my wrist.
"hey" matt says looking at me with those mesmerizing eyes.
i felt myself blush a bit.
"what's up" chris said with a smile. he was making a s'more.
"hi there." nick said glaring at chris, he was leaving his chocolate garbage all over the table.
i chuckled a bit.

i walked over to gazebo, sitting down. i set down my phone and water. i look around a bit, madi had rent an airbnb. around a minute later, i saw matt walking over. i fixed my hair a bit and got more comfortable, putting my legs on the table. matt sat down next to me.

"hello" i say politely, looking at him, his hair cast perfectly over his eyes.
"hi" he said with a soft smile.

we both sat in silence for a minute.

"so, um.. where are you from?" he asked trying to make a conversation.
"i'm from arizona." i said smiling. "madi always talks about you guys, i know your from boston, and you guys have a really cool youtube channel."
he chuckled a bit. "she does?" he asked sarcastically.
"yah. whenever you guys hang out i don't get the end of it for like- two days." i chuckled.
he stared at my eyes. i shivered a bit.
"hey, i'm getting kinda cold. i'm gonna go inside for a little bit." i said grabbing my phone and water.

i walk inside, not noticing him behind me. i open the door, shutting it. i heard a bonk. i turned around quickly to see matt rubbing his forehead, bewildered.
i opened the door quickly tugging his arm, pulling him inside.

"jesus- are you okay? i'm so sorry- i didn't even notice you behind m-." i start.
"no no it's okay." he reassured me, looking up, his eyes meeting mine.
we stare for a second.
"i uhm.. are you sure?" i say a bit flustered.
"yeah i'm fine. i'm used to getting hit in the forehead by girls i think are cute." i think he realized what he said, because he looked down shyly.
"oh- i." i didn't know what to say. i thought he was the absolute most gorgeous man i ever met.
"i'm sorry." he said quickly.
"no it's okay- i think your pretty adorable." i smiled.
he looked up smiling.
"do you need ice?" i say, looking at the red bump on his forehead, caressing it with my thumb, frowning.
"if madi has any-,"

'fuck.' i thought. this is my best friends- well friend.

"yeah i'll check." i say smiling. i walked over to the freezer, looking for the ice maker. i grabbed a ziploc bag, putting ice in it. i walked back over.

"here." i say holding the ice pack on his head.
he just stared at me, smiling.
"what?" i ask blushing a bit.
"nothing. your just silly." he chuckles.

about 5 minutes later, he was sitting next to me on the couch, leaning on my shoulder, watching me scroll through instagram. i looked up his username, following him, then his brothers and their joint account. i felt him smile on my shoulder.

chris opened the door looking at matt on my shoulder.

"what are you two doing?" he eyed us.
"i accidentally bonked him on the head and now he's being a big baby." i giggled.
"shut up i am not." he flung up.
i giggled some more.
"okay..- i just wanted a pepsi." he said walking over to the fridge.

matt got up. he walked over in the hallway, motioning me over before disappearing. i got up, following him, quite confused. i met him in the dark hallway.

"matt what are you-." i was cut off. his lips were sealed on mine. i kissed him back. he pulled away for air, caressing my cheek with his thumb.
"your really pretty." he said playing with my hair.
"i think your pretty cute yourself. i said looking up at him. we didn't have much of a height difference but it was definitely still there. i was 5'5.
"can i um- maybe have your number?" he asked shyly.
"of course." i grabbed my phone.
"ready? 602-***-****" i said reading my phone number.
he nodded. "602.. ***.. ****" he mumbled.
he texted me, and a second later my phone dung.

                               unknown number

                   it's matt.

read at 7:46 pm.

unknown number changed to:
                            matthew sturniolo 🎨

"okay, we'll i'm gonna go back to my brothers now." he smiles.
"text you later." i smile before he gives me a quick kiss again.

i giggle running behind him. i run over to madi.

"MADI" i whisper - shout.
"WHAT" she does the same.
"i just kissed matthew sturniolo." i blush.
"no fucking way." she says gasping.
"yes way." i say, trying to be quiet.
"did you give him your number?" she asks
"OBVIOUSLY" i whisper shout again.

a few hours pass, and matt and i have been making intense eye contact. i decide it's getting kind of late. i say bye to everyone, giving matt a longer hug then all the rest.

i start my car, turning on greedy, tate mcrae. i arrive home about 30 minutes later, unlocking my door, shutting it, and throwing myself on my couch.

then i got a text.

          to be continued, because i'm so tired. but tysm for all the reads and the adds to ur libraries! i'm very happy some people are enjoying these, dm me some requests on instagram for some imagines- @maha.shamsa4211 🎧🍂

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