clingy pt 2. - matthew sturniolo.

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i woke up, yawning. i looked at my phone reminding myself matt and his brothers are leaving today. matt had texted me the night before saying he asked laura. he told me she said no and he was still really upset. i texted him most of the night until he fell asleep. i pulled myself out of bed going to get dressed. i had to drive them to the airport, matt had asked me to.

after i got dressed i made sure i grabbed my phone. i looked at a text from matt. he had sent at least 4 saying he didn't want to leave and nick sent me two and i missed a call from him as well. i texted matt back first.



are you on your way?




i don't wanna leave anymore. 🙁


please answer.


im on my way right now love.


are you okay? 💕

read at 10:14 am.

"shit." i said to myself under my breath. i got in my car starting it. i called nick in the car.

"nick, is matt okay?" i asked with a sigh.

"uhh.." i heard him say as he closed a door. "he isn't that well, i mean he, himself is fine. he's having an anxiety attack right now though."

"fuck. can you tell him i'm 5 minutes away?" i say keeping my eyes on the road.

"yeah hold on." i heard nick opening matt's door. i heard his sobs and it broke my heart. "matt, y/n is around 5 minutes away, you'll be okay."

"put me on speaker nick." i asked, more of a demand.

i heard matt asking for me.

"y/n?" i heard matt manage to get out through his soft pants, he was clearly out of breath from crying.

"i'm right here my love." i said in a calmer tone. "what's wrong? tell me what i can do."

"just come here please." i heard him whine, before nick had taken back the phone.

"alright the doors unlocked whenever you get here." i heard nick say kind of concerned.

i hung up. i was pulling into the street the boys lived on, soon enough pulling into the driveway. i got out of my car, sprinting inside. i flung open the front door. i looked around before i started up the stairs. i saw matt on his bed, chris and nick both sitting next to him, patting his back. before either of the boys saw me, matt was up walking toward me. he crashed into my body as i hugged him. i heard his crying slow down and his breathing steady. i sighed and rubbed his hair. "y/n.." i heard him say as we both sat down in the hallway. he lifted his head up off my shoulder, now looking at me. i pushed his hair out of his face and smiled. "hello there." i said with a reassuring smile."

nick and chris were grabbing their bags and loading them in the car. nick asked, "you got this?" he looked down at me. "mhm." i nodded. he started downstairs with chris, carrying everyone's luggage. i held matt as he started to calm down. i put my hands through his hair, smiling. "i don't wanna leave y/n." he said sniffling. "it's okay. days fly by so fast you won't even notice! and you'll be so busy anyway. and i'm gonna call you and text you everyday." i smile. he nodded before i pulled myself up. he looked up at me as i held out a hand. he pulled himself up and grabbed my hand. we walked out to my car as i got a brilliant idea. i went to the back of my car, where i usually kept an extra to-go bag. i opened it, grabbing my favorite perfume and one of my shirts. i sprayed my shirt, before going into the passenger seat. i opened the door to find matt sitting there, eyes red from crying. i handed him my shirt and he looked confused for a moment. he smelled it then smiled. he got up, opening his suitcase before quickly putting the shirt in. i smiled as i got in the passenger. nick and chris finished getting all the luggage in. matt gave me a quick kiss before nick and chris got in the backseat. i began driving to madi's house. i honked and madi came out with her suitcase, loading it in, then hopping in the back with nick and chris.

as i dropped them off at the airport i saw matt's eyes start to get red. i quickly realized. i grabbed his face and put our foreheads together. i smiled. he closed his eyes before giving me a kiss. we both got out of the car and i walked him in as far as i could go. he waved as he walked away. i smiled and waved at them all. i walked back to my car smiling and driving home.

hiiii! so i decided to make a part two. i'm definitely making a part three so keep a watch out for that. anyway give me suggestions for some more imagines! 🎧🍂

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