over protective. - Matt Sturniolo

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i walked to 3rd period with matt before turning around. i heard someone yell something at me. it sounded like he said, "damn that's a nice piece of ass!" matt swung around before i could. i thought my outfit was pretty normal today. after all i did wear matt's hoodie and some leggings. i mean, nothing special right? as matt swung around i grabbed his hands. he looked at me, then my hands. "let go y/n." he said angrily. i looked at him. "matt if i let go i know what you'll do." i said looking up at his eyes. his gaze softened as i did so and he seemed calmer. i let go and he turned around as did i.

i was walking to lunch hand in hand with matt after that incident. we happened to pass the same dude who cat-called me earlier. i felt matt's hand get tighter around mine. the boy looked me up and down and whistled. i felt matt let go of my hands. before i could do anything i turned around. matt had punched him right in the nose. i looked shocked. i quickly pulled matt back as the boy got up. they both started yelling at eachother and the boy ended up punching matt in the face. i quickly pulled them both away before it could get worse, but the principal showed up. he took matt and the boy to his office and i had to go to lunch alone.

after lunch i didn't see matt until he picked me up. he didn't have any marks on his face. just a bit of the boys blood from his bloody nose. i grabbed a pack of tissues and clicked my tongue. "matt, you didn't have-" i got cut off. "y/n, your my girlfriend and he knows that. he's on my hockey team and he's always asking about you. he says some pretty gross shit about you. i'm getting sick of his crap." he said as i was wiping the blood off his cheek. i looked into his eyes and his gaze softened once more. "i love you." i said looking into his eyes. "i love you too." he said as he began driving out of the parking lot.

we were halfway home when i spoke again. "matt?" i asked. "hm?" he hummed keeping focused on the road. "what kind of things does he say about me?" i asked confused. "you don't wanna know. it's disgusting." he said. "oh. don't interact with him anymore. i don't want you getting expelled." i said digging through my backpack for my phone. "it's kind of hard to do that when he's on the opposite team." he scoffs.

we arrive home and i see nick and chris on the couch. "hey guys." i smiled. "oh hey y/n" chris says looking up from his phone. "hi y/n" nick says, obviously tired. "i'm gonna go upstairs with matt." i say taking off my shoes. "alright" chris says getting up looking in the fridge for a pepsi. matt and i walk up the stairs and arrive in his room. i walk into his room setting down my bag. matt jumps in bed and tucks himself in. "are you tired?" i say smiling as i take off my earrings. "mhm" he hums. i grab my sweatpants from my bag and walk to his bathroom. i change quickly before hopping into bed with matt. i laid on his chest while he played with my hair. i soon heard his soft snores and i smiled. i fell asleep listening to him snore.

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