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WDYM stands for "what do you mean?" It's an acronym 

WDYM stands for "what do you mean?" It's an acronym 

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"Mrs Han, pass me the salt, will you?" I say, stretching my arm dramatically. It's the classic typical family dinner scene – me, pops, the cool uncle - princi, and the salt-bringer herself, Mrs Han.

"Bora, life getting too hectic for you lately, huh?" Mrs. Han throws some serious side-eye my way as she hands over the salt. her tone was enough salty.

"Busy? Nah, just casually juggling life, as usual, you see I have a lot on my plate, and even student council is coming up" I reply with a friendly smirk trying to sound nonchalant.

"Oh, really?" Mrs. Han narrows her eyes, making it clear that my excuse isn't fooling anyone.

"Absolutely. I've got a black belt in multitasking," I declare proudly, even though I can't even tie my shoes without tripping.

"Then why is your GPA playing hide-and-seek?" she fires back, tossing the salt and some grade-related shade.

"Princi," I whimper, shooting a desperate SOS glance at my dad's BFF and my secret ally in all this drama, hoping for a rescue "Your wife's roasting me at the dinner table."

Uncle, in his calm principal mode, nods. "Eunha, we'll discuss this after dinner"

"Quiet down, you're spoiling her rotten! Look, Hyun Jae! She aced the physics exam – only to last," she says, pointing an accusing finger at my dad. Well, she's not wrong. But then again, is she really right? Well yes.

I am bad with physics and chemistry and...maths but pretty fine in the other subjects, it ain't my fault, you see.

I know how to convince my dad and my uncle, "but-" I speak but "You're not allowed to speak," she cuts me off, i just nod like an innocent puppy, chewing the food silently.

"Eunha, I get it. I share your concerns but don't worry. She needs to enjoy life too," Dad reassures, prompting me to give him a thumbs up with a cheeky wink when Mrs. Han isn't watching.

"Oh, you both!" She points at Dad and Uncle. "Good for nothing, both of you! But let's get this crystal clear. I've arranged a tutor for her. He's in the same year as her, and he'll be tutoring her for just an hour."

"One hour?" I protest, dropping my innocent act. "Tutor?" Uncle joins the chorus, and Dad raises an eyebrow. We're a trio of synchronized with different concerns. "He?" Dad asks eyebrows knitted with his concern about this dude. Mrs. Han grins triumphantly.

"Yes, him. It's not appropriate for me to be the tutor, so I found someone else. He's a genius, by the way."

I roll my eyes I say. "Oh, joy. Another Einstein in the making." Uncle adds, "What's wrong with us tutoring her?"

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