╰─ ♡ 5 ─ WHY SO SALTY BRO?

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The term "salty" is commonly used in slang to describe someone who is behaving or expressing themselves in a resentful, bitter, or irritated manner.

The term "salty" is commonly used in slang to describe someone who is behaving or expressing themselves in a resentful, bitter, or irritated manner

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My school is quite huge! It's made up of three separate buildings, which are far apart yet close to each other. It's almost like having three schools combined. I belong to Building Three, and so does my friend Minhee. However, Minhee's brother Jimin is from Building Two, along with Jungkook. Yesterday, I found out that Hana is from Building One - no wonder I've never met her before!

And Taehyung is also from Building One. Obviously, he didn't tell me that, I had to put in a lot of effort to sift through the student records of Buildings One and Two. However, I was able to accomplish this by leveraging my connections with the school principal- my buddy, my uncle.    

I am on my way to meet Taehyung, now that I know he is in building one. After doing a little stalking, I found out that he has a huge fan following and is effortlessly famous. He has a cute little dog and sometimes posts pictures of random scenery or music lyrics. Interestingly, you won't find many pictures of himself, except for his profile pictures.

He has almost the same number of followers as me, although his following is slightly less. I feel insignificant around him because he gains followers effortlessly, whereas I have to post at least 4 to 5 times a day to increase my followers.

he's such a pain in the ass.

I'm on a mission to boost my social media followers, by showing that Taehyung is my friend, I believe that all the girls who once in their life liked Taehyung will search for my stellar ID and the boys will be drawn to my beauty which cannot be ignored so either way they'll follow my stellar account.

I enter the building, which is as vast as my own, but as expected quieter than any other part of the school. This part of the school is said to house the academic achievers, the brightest minds of our school, but we call them 'smart-asses' or 'stupid literates' or 'unpaid losers'. or 'Einstein's bastard children'.

I hate going to Building One of my school. It's full of know-it-alls who act like they're better than everyone else. They're always stuck in their books, probably dreaming about becoming the next Einstein or something. But I had to go there because I found out this guy, Taehyung, he's just another pain in the butt.

From what I can recall, Taehyung is in Class C. I am currently climbing the stairs in search of Class C. As I make my way up, I notice people looking at me, but I don't really care. I keep searching until my eyes catch a glimpse of Section C. Without wasting any time, walk in like I own the place. Of course, everyone stared at me- everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked at me. I became the attention of everyone, which I don't particularly like, but I can't help it.

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